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He heard a bottle-cracking sound coming from the side, making him snap out of his starting thoughts and look at the way the sound came from. He expected a cat but, there was a man. A man who was drunk as fuck and crying. "Fuck..."

The man was mumbling something and he looked fucked up. His eyes were red and he was crying a lot. He took out another bottle from his pocket, opened it, and drafted it. He stumbled and held the bank where Jisung was sitting. Jisung watched each of his movements like it was a bug that could stink anytime. He wouldn't bother if it didn't get near him.

But the man did and sat beside Jisung. He was crying so hard that Jisung somehow felt pity for him. His father had cried just like this and maybe this man reminded Jisung of him. The man sobbed, ''Sorry, Kid.'' Jisung shook his head. Even though the man reeked of alcohol, it somehow didn't bother Jisung. And maybe this guy would be the first to see his inner self. ''No worries.''

They sat silently and Jisung tried to continue his thoughts but it seemed the man was distracting him a lot. Since the man's sobs got quieter over time, he took a glance and saw him looking at the floor with a soulless expression. Jisung wanted to talk to this man. He wanted to be just like him before, wanted to drink and be a mess. People actually loved being all messed up and they were not honest about it at all. It felt good to let go of the responsibilities at sad times. And grieve could be a reason for anything. He wondered what happened for him to act this way cuz it seemed he was a normal human being instead of an addict. He turned to the old guy, ''Why are you crying so much?''

The man lifted his head and looked at Jisung before he looked back at the floor. ''I got cheated on.'' Oh, wow. There was a thing like that, right? People could cheat each other and make the other miserable. But some others would say they can love two people at the same time. Or they could desire another one besides their beloveds. Was it true? Maybe. But in this society, they had to choose one person and they would lose everything if they didn't choose one. If the other was sad about it, it was all done for them. And some people would be okay with their partner dating or sleeping with another one. Well, Jisung didn't quite understand how it felt for them but if both sides were okay with it, it was okay.

''How? Want to tell a kid an exemplary story?'' The man chuckled bitterly as he sat back. He avoided looking at Jisung's way. Probably because of the shame he was feeling now. Yet, Jisung couldn't care less. Every person would be miserable at some point. ''It might be for adults, kid.''

Jisung grimaced his face. People were like this, saying those are the things only for adults. But when his birthday comes, he will be an adult too. And it wouldn't change that much for him, would it? He deserved a sneak peek at the adult things. ''I'm a soon-to-be adult, Ahjussi.'' The man stole a glance towards Jisung and murmured, ''Doesn't seem like it though.'' Jisung chuckled at that, ''Sorry for my genetics?'' The man smiled back somehow and it felt weird for Jisung. A good weird. It felt good to open his mind and talk like whatever he wanted. And this man probably would forget about him, or at least he wouldn't stay still and continue to drink for all of his life, would he? He would go and get himself and his life together, just like his father. So Jisung felt safe. Safer than he should feel.

''Okay, kid. I was married and, we couldn't have kids.'' Jisung nodded silently, wanting him to tell the full story. It was interesting and this would be something for him to think about. The man hung his head again and started to tell the whole story with a tiny voice.

''She had a problem with her body and it hurt for us at first. But we decided to not think about it and live our lives. We were happy and together for years. I had met her in high school, she was the most gorgeous person I'd ever seen. And still, she is. It hurts 'cause I love her, you know that right, kid?'' He turned to Jisung with a broken smile on his face. Jisung copied the act and gave him a sad smile. ''I understand, Ahjussi. I know how it feels to love someone for years.'' The man laughed quietly, ''Haha, you do?'' Jisung nodded and turned his gaze to his foot. ''Yeah, unfortunately.''

𝑺𝑴𝑨𝑹𝑻 - 𝐴𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑜𝑜𝑘Where stories live. Discover now