Chapter 2 - dance with fear

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It wasn't what minho was used to, but it looked pretty sweet to him. Somebody, he supposed jisungs father, had built the wooden stage out of wood and leftover materials of barn.
"My dad and I practice most nights he's kinda like my dance coach and helps me get my techniques perfect, you can dance first if you want? Show me what you got."
Minho nods and climbs up onto the stage, being on stage felt almost as good as playing on the Nintendo DS, "your dad coaches you?"
"Sure. He was apart of the contemporary dance team in Seoul aftually, so he's pretty good"
"Really?" All derision fled "he danced professionally in Seoul?"
"For a couple years. He did something to his knee and that was it, he decided to the see the country, and he ended up out here. He worked for my grandparents, this used to be their farm, and met my mother. That was that too, want me to start the music for you?"
"Yeah." Minho walked to center stage and started a HipHop dance he did for a dance competition once.

He danced the full dance and stops as soon as music ends

"Wow you're actually pretty good"

It felt good - to impress him. And it didn't suck to have somebody, even a farm boy, to talk to and dance with.
Still, minho shrugged, then watched jisung climb up onto the stage and show off his pirouette. Minho couldn't lie to himself that he was in fact impressed with the technique jisung has when performing his pirouette.

He then stopped and looked at Minhos reaction of his pirouette and smiled at the impressed look minho had on his face.

"Do you have any pets? Jisung asked him
He couldn't imagine not having animals around, everywhere all the time. And the idea of not having any brought a lump of genuine sympathy to his throat.
"I guess it's harder in the city. Our dogs..." he paused to look around, then spotted them. "They've been out running, see, and now they're back at the table, hoping for scraps. They're good dogs. You can come over and play with them sometimes if you want, and use the dance stage."
"Maybe" he sneaked another glance at him. "Thanks"
"Most boys I know DONT really like dance that much especially ballet.. however I do I always have, but my dad also teaches me how to track. My grandfather, my moms father, taught him, he's really good."
"Animals and people. For fun. There's lots of trails and lots to do"
"If you say so"
He cocked her head at the dismissive tone. "Have you ever been camping?"
"Why would I want to?"
He only smiled. "It's going to be dark pretty soon we'd better put away the speaker and head back. If you come over again maybe dad will dance or we can go riding. You like to ride?"
"You mean horses? I don't know how. It looks stupid."
He fired up at that, the way he'd fired up to hit the right techniques in his pirouette. "It's not stupid. And it's stupid to say it is just because you don't know how. Besides, it's fun when we....."
He stopped dead in his tracks. As he sucked in his breath, he grabbed Minhos arm. "Don't move."
"What?" Because the Hand on his arm shook, his heart slammed into his throat. "Is it a snake?"
Panicked, he scanned the grass.
"Cougar." He barely breathed the word. He stood like a statue with that one trembling hand on his arm, and stared into the tangled brush.
"What? Where?" Suspicious, sure he was just screwing around and trying to scare him, he tried to pry his hand away. At first he saw nothing but that brush, the trees, the rise of rock and hill.
Then he saw the shadow. "Holy shit. Holy freaking shit!"
"Don't run." He stared as if mesmerised. "If you run, he'll chase you, and he's faster. No!" He yanked on his arm as minho edged up, getting a firmer grip on a rock he picked up. "Don't throw anything, not yet. Mom says..." he couldn't remember everything her mother had told her. He'd never seen a cat before, not in real life, not near the farm. "You have to make noise, and, and make yourself look big."
Quivering, jisung rose to his toes, he lifted his arms over his head, and began to shout. "Get away! Get away from here.

"Yell!" He shouted to Minho "look big and mean!"
His eyes, keen and dark, measured the cougar from tip to tail. Even as his heart ponded with fear, something else moved through him.
He could see his eyes going in the oncoming dusk, glint as they seemed to look right into his. Though his throat went dry, he thought: he's beautiful. He's so beautiful.
He paced, powerful grace, watching them as if deciding whether to attack or retreat.
Beside him Minho shouted, his voice raw with fear. He watched the big cat slink towards the deeper shadow. And then it leaped away, a blur of dull gold that dazzled his eyes.
"It ran Away. It ran away."
"It didn't" jisung murmured "it flew"
Through the roaring in his eyes, he heard his father shouting for him, and turned. He charged across the field, scattering suprised cattle. Yards behind him Minhos grandfather ran, carrying a rifle he realized he'd gotten from the house. The dogs raced with them, as did his mother, with a shotgun, and Minhos grandmother.
"Cougar." he managed to get the word out just before Josiah swept him off his feet and into his arms. "There. Over there. It's gone now."
"Get in the house. Minho." With his free arm, Josiah pulled minho against him. "Both of you, get inside. Now."
"It's gone, dad. We scared it away."
"Go! Cougar" he said as Jenna sprinted past jinho and reached them.
"Oh god. You're all alright." She took jisung, giving Josiah the shotgun. "You're all right" she kisses jisungs face, his hair then bent down to do the same to Minho.
"Get them in the house, Jenna. Take the kids and Lucy, and get inside."
"Come on. Come on." Jenna draped her arms around both children, looked up at jinhos grim face as he reached them. "Be careful."
"Don't kill it, dad!" Jisung called out as his mother pulled him away. "It was so beautiful." He searched the brush, the trees, hoping for just one more glimpse. "Don't kill it."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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