02. The Beginning

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I've always been the kind of person that prefers to stay at home rather that have a long night out. After a long day of work, all I want is come home, put some comfy clothes and relax. But apparently, my best friend ruin my plans for today. Here I was, a friday night laid on my couch, watching some Netflix, when Jessica send me a text:


Bitch!!! Get ready, we're going out!


Says who?


Oh come on, you're not going to spend another friday at home...

and besides I made plans for us :)


It's cute of you to think that I would be on board with that idea of yours :D

As soon as I hit send, I see that Jessica was calling, probably because she realized that I wouldn't be convinced by text message.

"What?" I was not really in the mood to go out and deal with drunk people, not really my scene.
"Please Liv, I've already told Carter that we would go". If I could describe Jessica in just one word it would be persistent for sure.
"Care to explain why would you tell him I'd be going if you knew that I was going to say no? And...you already ask me to go to the concert of Harry Styles or did you hit your head  and forget?" Yes, my best friend is kind of obsessed with that guy, I mean not in a stalker way or anything but follow him like a lost puppy from his mom.
"You know that friend of Carter, the one who got the tickets for u- "
"Whatever, so, he is throwing a party at his house and he invited us, he said that he wants to meet the other face for the ticket number 2" I love her to dead but she can be pretty exhausting, sometime is best to give in.
"Okay, but let me tell you, that I've literally nothing to wear and I don't feel like shopping" I've been so focus on work lately that I don't feel the need to shop for "going out" clothes because well...I know for a fact that they are going to be stuck in my closet.
"Don't worry, I'll be at your house by 6 and we can get ready together, I have a few perfect outfits for you to wear, see you later alligator". It's now 5 p.m. and in about an hour Jessica would be here for us to get ready for the party, in order to save some time, I got up from the couch and head to the bathroom to take a shower and clean all the work from me, if I wasn't going out I only would be doing that before bed. As soon as I step out of the shower I hear someone in my kitchen and I know is Jessica
"Oliviaaaa" she called my name almost like singing.
"In my room", Jessica spends a great amount of time in my house, a few years ago we were roommates, in this same house, but then her relationship with Carter was getting serious and they moved in together, they are perfect for each other, he is the calm and she is the storm, it was a perfect match from heaven.
"So, I brought you these two outfits for you to choose, personally...I think you would be bomb in this black one".
Usually I really don't like to stand out, but that's impossible when I'm about to use some of Jessica's clothes.
"Okay, let me try"

"Okay, let me try"

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