Chapter 1: The Encounter

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In the aftermath of the war, George found himself navigating the bustling streets of the city, his heart heavy with the weight of the past. Amidst the sea of faces, he caught sight of Alicia, a vision of beauty that seemed to radiate an ethereal glow. Her presence was a balm to his weary soul, and he felt drawn to her with an inexplicable force. As they locked eyes, an undeniable electricity crackled between them, igniting a spark that neither could ignore.

As they exchanged hesitant smiles, George was captivated by Alicia's enchanting grace and confident demeanor. He found himself entranced by her every word, her every movement. In her, he saw a kindred spirit, a beacon of light in the darkness of his world. The encounter left an indelible mark on George's heart, and he knew that he had to see her again.

Alicia X George Washington Where stories live. Discover now