Movie night

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"Ian that's so cute"

*I said while we're on FaceTime*

"You're cuter" *Ian told me while smiling at me threw the screen*

"Thank you..but I don't know your way cuter" *I said to him smiling before continuing* "it's getting late Ian,I will call you back tomorrow?"*I said to him*

"You're right..I guess I will talk to you tomorrow, Cutie byee!" *ian told me then hanged up*


"Y/n Golbach!" *Sam Yelled from downstairs*

"What did I do now?" *I said walking downstairs in a bra, shorts and I blanket hoodie before I saw my dad and added* "yes Daddy?" 

"Movie night? We wanted to watch your movies for a YouTube video do you want to?" *my dad asked me while he placed snacks on the table infront the couch* 

"Of course!" *I said putting on my movie called "The black phone" it was my favorite character because she was so badass* 

"What movie you pick, Sweetheart?" *Colby said as he still picks on me from when I was 6 having a crush on him even though he bathed me, changed me, Feed me and took care of me with my dad*

"The black phone..Remember the one where I was dating Robin in the movie and we ended up dating but we moved?" *I said we moved a lot because some fans keep finding where we lived even when we lived in Boston but now we live in Georgia, Alanta and it's so nice I hang out with my friends Madeline sometimes when their here but they live in Arizona with Miguel..oh god I missed Miguel like when he let me play with his hair, played guitar for me, played video games with me, filmed TikTok's and YouTube videos with me, his kisses, his hugs, his moms cooking, his comfortable cuddles, his soft voice..I'm still in love with him 

"Oh yeah..he's the one with long hair and can play guitar" *he said while sitting down* 


*After the movie*

"I live for watching that movie!" *I said yawning because I'm pretty sleepy*

"It's time for bed kiddo" *sam said while kissing my cheek and then picks up after all of us* 

"Okay..good night Colby, Night Dad!" 

"Give me a hug first then you can go to bed" *colby said opening his arm as I gave him a hug he kissed my forehead* "go on to bed now" *he said then helping my dad clean* 

"Okay..goodnight guys , I love you" *I said walking upstairs*

"Love you!" *they both said then going off to their rooms* 


*in my room* 

*yawing then gets in bed after blowing my candles out and turning off my led lights then slowly falling asleep not knowing Javon Walton was looking at me threw his window*

My actress/Javon walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now