Into a new Frontier

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Dust blows through a desolate wasteland, empty for the eyes can see except for a lone woman. Her eyes scanned the area before she gazed upon what looked like a destroyed material, the women walked up to it before digging her hands through the shattered glass and broken parts before taking out what looked to be brain matter

"Damn those time patrollers, they've defeated me once but never again. Once I rebuild you, you will be stronger. Much stronger Mira"

"Not enough power.. I need more, more energy!"

The brain matter moved around as the woman smiled, closing her palm before flying off

"That's right, we'll collect more energy and leave this place. We'll be back to exact our revenge upon our transgressors."

The brain matter moved in the woman's hand, seemingly loving that idea. The plan was simple. It was easy.

"Just wait... soon, we'll return to crush those who stand in our way!"

(One hour later-AGE 761)

A young boy walked from a dark part of the forest, his eyes locking onto a man who was sitting down. The boy walked over to him

"Dad? Dad!"

The man opened his eyes and got up, looking down towards his son with a smile while the young boy looked worried

"Dad! We better head home, or else mom's going to be really mad at us!"

The man had a sweat drop down his face after the boy talked about his mother, placing a hand behind his head and rubbing it gently

"Sorry for getting carried away Gohan. I was just fighting someone super strong!"

This caught the attention of Gohan as he tilted his head a tiny bit and looked towards his father

"Super Strong?"

Gohan said, with his father keeping a soft smile on his face before nodding his head, recalling the mental battle he had

"Yeah, a guy going by the name of Piccolo."


Gohan looked more confused by the explanation given but even more intrigued. He has heard about Piccolo before thanks to his mother telling him about the actions that happened during that day, but his father was willing to tell him more about it.

"Yeah, well. He used to be called Demon King Piccolo, and he was a real bad to the bone."

Gohan held onto his tail in response to that, knowing the stories his mother told him was starting to reconnect with what his father was telling him no. But unlike his mother, his father isn't showing fear or disgust or anger at the actions. Instead, he is showing genuine joy

"He's the strongest opponent I've ever fought in my whole life! I don't think anybody has gotten me this pumped up than him!"

Gohan looked at his father with confusion. Seeing him this happy is actually making the young boy a smidge less afraid of Piccolo.

"I want to fight him again, so I'm hoping to get stronger and soon!"

The talk about strength and fighting somewhat made Gohan hold onto his tail a bit more, with his father looking a tiny bit confused

"I'd be afraid to fight someone like that..."

"Haha! You know, I bet if you trained a little bit, you'd be just fine."

His father said with a smile before the boy let go of his tail and looked towards him

"I doubt mom would like that very much.."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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