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Charles Leclerc

"Hey whats wrong?" Grace asked me when i walked into the apartment, i looked at her and than Arthur who stood next to her

"She asked about Amalie" i said

"W-what did you answer?" Grace asked

"I said that i didn't know an Amelie and that she should ask you" Grace nodded 

"Okay" she said quite "But what do i say to her when she asks me? i cant say like 'Do you remember Greece and did you know that you and Alexander actually started to get along until your best friend Amelie hooked up with the guy your parents want to marry and do you want to know something interesting? Did you know that your supposed to be best friend actually payed someone to make that accident happen in the first place?' I cant say that" Grace said 

"Wait she and Alexander got along?" Arthur said

"Yeah we bumped into him and his friends on our vacation in Greece and the two of them actually started to get along, until Lucia found out our fake best friend was hooking up with our duke for already a few months. But somehow that whole thing just got erased out of her memory after the accident" 

"Wel i spoke her today and she really doesn't like that guy" I said and grace chuckled

"Yeah we both hate him with our whole heart" Grace said "His ego is bigger than that guy self, but we tried to find away out of that whole thing but the only way out for her is marrying someone else but her father still has to approve the guy"

"And a relationship?" I asked and grace looked at me

"Wait what? A relationship? I dont know Charles... i have a feeling her father wants her to marry someone soon" she said "Wait. Omg you like Lucia" Grace said and i looked at the ground

"Umm.. no- yes- i mean maybe- Yes i do like her" I said

"OMG, like of course i knew that you liked her but i never thought you would say it" Grace said

"Wait how do-"

"I told her" Arthur said with a smile on his face and i shake my head

"Of course you did" I said and sighed

"Charles you like her!" Grace said

"Yes i know" i said "I know my own feelings Grace"

"Than fight for her, because if you aren't fast. Than i think we have in 5 month a wedding with the duke"

Never true || Charles LeclercМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя