Flashback Part 5

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Period 6 (Creative Writing)

We walked into the class at the same time as the handsome Mr. E. Mikaelson-Giles did.

"Before you all sit down, you are answer a question for me." Mr. E. Mikaelson-Giles said. "You first, Ms.?" he pointed to me.

"Tatiana Gilbert." Tatiana replied.

"Favorite Movie?" Mr. E. Mikaelosn-Giles asked.

"Cinderella." Tatiana replied.

He smirked as said, "Good, you may sit down Ms. Tatiana."

I sat down in a seat in front of class. Then he went through rest of the class.

"From now on, before you go to your seats. You will answer one question." Mr. E. Mikaelson-Giles said.

The rest of class sat down and waited for him to start introduction to junior creative writing.

"This year, you will be writing stories. Each day and you will be giving them to me each day at the of class." He said as he handed out three note books each. "If you need more, you can come up and tell me and I'll get you more. You may start writing."

Everyone started writing but Tatiana.

"What is wrong, Ms. Tatiana?" Mr. E. Mikaelson-Giles asked.

"Writers block." Tatiana replied.

"Try making up a character first, then writing out your feelings." Mr. E. Mikaelson-Giles said.

Tatiana did as Mr. E. Mikaelson-Giles suggested. She began to write out her feelings. That's when it happened...

Tatiana's cell phone went off and she tried to turn it off.

"Tatiana Gilbert, detention with me after school until the end of the week." Mr. E. Mikaelson- Giles said.

Great... Tatiana has joined the detention club. The bell rang for French.

Period 7 (French)

When we got into the class we sat down and waited for classes to start. Mr. S. Salvotore 2.0 came in and started class in English and then in French.

"Bon après-midi, Classe . Bienvenue à Junior Année français. (Good Afternoon, Class. Welcome to Junior Year French.)" Mr. S. Salvatore 2.0 said.

Then he started going over the usual stuff and handed out work sheets that we had to do until the end of class.

That's when it happened once again... But this time with...

Amara's cell phone, Amara tried to stop her cell phone from playing her ring tone.

"Amara Gilbert, détention avec moi jusqu'à la fin de la semaine. (Amara Gilbert, Detention with me until the end of the week.)" Mr. S. Salvatore 2.0 said.

Amara had never had Detention before until now.

"Yes, Mr. Salvatore." Amara whispered.

The bell rang, a half an hour after later for Cooking.

Period 8 (Cooking)

We walked in and got our aprons and put them on. Mr. F. Mikaelson came in and he started class. He did the attendance. We started the usual cooking safety before we started onto our first cooking lesson.

"Today, we're baking cookies." Mr. F. Mikaelson said.

We started mixing batter of cookies and then placed them on the cookie sheet. We waited 20 minutes for the cookies to bake and they were ready. We took them out of the oven and waited for them to cool.

Mr. F. Mikaelson came over and tried one of Ayanna's and Jo's cookies.

"Good work, girls." Mr. F. Mikaelson said.

He went off to the next groups until Ayanna's cell phone went off.

"Ayanna Bennett, Detention with me until the end of the week." Mr. F. Mikaelson said.

We waited for the bell to ring for History. That's when it happened. The bell did rang for History.

Period 9 (History)

We all headed into the next classroom. We sat down and waited for Mr. Saltzman come in. He came in as the final bell rang.

"Good afternoon, class. Welcome to Junior year of History." Mr. Saltzman said.

He did the attendance.

He did the introduction to History for the year.

"Do you have any question for me?" Mr. Saltzman asked.

All the girls asked the same questions 'How old are you?', 'do you have girlfriend?'

The questions kept happening until Jo's cell phone went off.

"Jo Parker, detention until the end of the week with me." Mr. Saltzman said with a smirk.

After awhile the bell rang for the last period of the day which was Art.

Period 10 (Art)

We all walked into our last period before detention. We all sat down and got ready for the new teacher. Mr. Mikaelson-Morgan came in as the final bell hit.

"Good morning, class. Welcome to Junior Year Art. Today, we're doing art history before we do any art." Mr. Mikaelson-Morgan said.

He did the attendance first.

We watched as he did his slide show and asked questions when needed to. He started with statues and headed onto pictures.

A half an hour later, class was almost done when Caroline's cell phone went off.

"Caroline Forbes Detention with me when the bell rings." Mr. Mikaelson-Morgan said.

The bell rang and the group of girls split up to their different detention rooms.


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