|Chap. 2|

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💖{Dedications to: @applelarryx; because she came up with this incredible idea that started only as a prompt that I decided to turn into a story! So if you like it, you should be thanking her. Also, to @kirstielovebands; because your comments made me laugh and your votes put a smile on my face. True motivation that is. Thanks to both of you!💋}💖


I get up from my spot under the stands on the football field when it's time and I look over and see Louis walk out of the school. I walk over to my car and he looks at me, pulling his jumper down over his stomach. I try to give him a small smile.

I don't know if he's forgiven me yet, but selfishly I really hope that he has. I already feel like a scumbag. I basically just ruined his entire life. He's going through this, because of me. I let out a sigh as we reach my car.

"Why were you in the football field?" He asks me, lifting the strap of his bag onto his shoulder.

"I was late to class and my teacher made me go get a pass, so I was like fuck it. I came out here and waited."

He just nods and opens the car door, getting inside. I do the same and sit my bag in the backseat. I start the car and start to pull out of the school lot, feeling Louis' glare on me. I drive to end of the street, looking at him.

"Tell me where to go." I say and he gives me the directions to the hospital.

We sit quiet in the car for most of the drive, you could cut the tension with a knife. I wonder what Louis's thinking right now. I may not know him too well, but I don't think he's chewing me out in his head like he should be. That's what I would do at least. I glance over to him and see that he has his head down and his bottom lip between his teeth. He is thinking hard about something.

"What made you want to help me all of a sudden?" He asks softly, his eyes meeting mine. I stare into them and they hold no judgment, just pure curiosity.

"I did an awful thing to you, and didn't speak up for you. So, the least I could do is take you to the hospital."

He just nods and his stare goes back into his lap. He's so sad, and I'm the one that caused it.

"Well, thank you..." I say. "For not babbling to the whole school that I'm the father." I say.

That's a very big thing to keep quiet about when you're pregnant and have a bunch of people talking about you behind your back, or in Louis' case, right in front of your face. Usually just to spite the person, you'd call them out on their mistakes to everyone who brings it up. When someone brings you down, you bring them with you. But Louis didn't do that with me and I'm damn thankful of that.

"It's not like anyone would believe me anyway." His small voice mumbles. I look over at him.

"Why not?"

"Because you're you. You're popular and have a lot friends and you're hot and I'm just Liam's loser of a brother." He says.

I frown as he talks bad about himself. He's got friends...I'm sure. Everyone has at least one friend...right? I just shrug it off and look back at the road.

"Well, even if you did, I'd deny it." I tell him. It's a dick thing to say, but it's true. If Louis went around the school, without me even meeting him, and he swore to other people that I got him pregnant, I would have denied every fucking situation that came out of his mouth, and I wouldn't have known any better. That point made, would've made Louis' life even worse, because people would have started calling him a liar and picked on him even more.

I hear Louis sigh as he looks out the window and I just look ahead and keep driving. The rest of the ride silent.


Louis is lying down on the bed and I'm seated beside him. His shirt is lifted above his belly and I could tell how nervous he is... I just can't determine if he's nervous about the ultrasound or me being here and staying here with him through his pregnancy.

I take a look at his belly and it means nothing to me. It's swollen skin, with a filled in naval. Nothing.

I take a look at the nurse and watch her squirt some gel onto his bump and uses some high tech thing and rub it across his stomach.

"Take a look up at the screen here.." She says, glancing up.

The screen is wide and shows some black and white markings and shapes of some morphy-looking thing. She moves her wrist a bit and there's movement on the screen.

"There's the head....and there are the feet." She says.

I look at Louis and he's staring blankly at it. I can't figure out the emotion behind his eyes. I know this must be hard for him, he may not even want to do this. But, I'll support him through this. I have to. There's a baby in there...and it's mine. I grab his hand in mine and his head automatically flicks to me. I give him a small smile and he returns it almost immediately.

"Would you like to know the sex?" The technician asks us. We both respond with a yes and she nods.

"Looks like you've got yourself a baby girl." She smiles. The nurse walks out of the room and my smile widens.

A baby girl. I have a daughter. I look over at Louis and his smile is just as big as mine, probably the biggest smile he's worn in months.

"We have a baby girl." I whisper and he looks at me happily with tears in his eyes.

I look back at his stomach and pictures of a little girl dressed in a pink dress with blue eyes and curly hair, running around in her sandals flashes through my head. The thought makes my heart burst and I lean over, pressing a kiss to his stomach.

"I already love you." I whisper to her.

I look at Louis again and he's crying, but this time, he doesn't look too happy.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't support her, Harry. I have no money, my family won't help me. I can't take care of her." He sniffles. I squeeze his hand gently.

"I'm gonna help you. You won't be alone in this, I promise." I assure him.

Who knows if I'm actually ready for this, but I'm not just gonna back out on him. I'm very happy at the moment and I just wanna bask in this feeling right now. Nothing else matters.

The nurse returns with our picture and she gives it to me. I take a look and see the morphed head again.

"She's gonna have a big head." I tease. Louis chuckles and looks at the picture as well.

"She gets it from you."

I laugh and sit the picture in his hands, watching his eyes widen in amazement as he looks at the baby. It's unbelievable how these things can create such a big feeling. I feel giddy inside, I can't imagine how Louis feels. I take his hand again and lean in, pressing our lips together.

If the baby is gonna be here with the two of us, might as well just start this family.


🙊|Sorry for the long wait, I don't even have an excuse for it. Hope you liked it!|🙊

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