A Spell Gone Wrong part 3 (NC)

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Draculaura: WELL?!

Clawdeen and Frankie looked at each other, Clawdeen took a deep breath

Clawdeen: Drac, we know this is not the real you, resist the spell

Draculaura: This Is Me!

they saw her growing more angry, they had to calm her down

Frankie: we don't know why you cast this spell on yourself, only you can reverse it, please it's us

Clawdeen: your little sisters, remember? we love you

Draculaura: You're Not My Little Sisters! You Make MY Life Miserable! I Wish You Would, JUST DIE!

Draculaura pinned Clawdeen against the wall as Frankie ran to get something

Clawdeen: Come On, Snap Out Of It!

Draculaura raised her claws in the air

Clawdeen: Big Sister Please!

Frankie rushed in front of Clawdeen and held out a book in front of her, this was Draculaura's memory book, Frankie and Clawdeen made for her the previous year

Frankie: don't you remember all our good times? come on we know you can hear us, you're stronger, your love is stronger than this... please fight back

Draculaura scanned the pages, when slowly her angry expression turned into a confused one as memories of all their adventures flashed through her mind, she realized what she was about to do and tried to stop herself, she shook her head and stumbled back

Draculaura: F-Frankie... Clawdeen?

Clawdeen: It's Us! come on you have to reverse the spell, say the spell again!

Draculaura: C-Can't...

Frankie: Yes You Can! Wake Up!

Clawdeen approched but Draculaura lunged at her, but was able to grab the desk to stop herself from moving. Draculaura was shaking, she gazed at her little sisters and saw them scared, her big sister instincts took over and she said the spell loudly


the vampire felt dizzy the room began spinning, she fell to the ground as Clawdeen and Frankie ran to her side screaming her name then she passed out


Draculaura opened her eyes and saw herself in front of the screen again, then saw Clawdeen and Frankie behind her, she knew what this meant and she was terrified

Draculaura: Not Again! I Must... Get Out Of.. Here!

she tried to turn around to run but like last time she lost control of her body and began walking to her little sisters, tears poured down her face as she begged for this to stop

Draculaura: please... help me! I don't want to do this.. please...


Draculaura: huh?

she heard Clawdeen and Frankie's worried voices, it sounded like they were crying

*Wake Up Big Sister!*

* Please Don't Be Dead! We Love You!*

*You're Our Hero Please! Don't Leave Us!*

suddenly the screen changed, instead of playing all the bed memories it began playing her good memories, she watched all the good times she had with Clawdeen and Frankie, she cherished those memories. she clenched her fists, she had to protect them, she grunted as she was finally able to stop herself from moving, she gripped her head

Draculaura: I... W-Will Not Hurt My Little Sisters! I Need To... Fight This!

*Wake Up Please!*

*We Love You! Don't Let Anger Control You*

Draculaura: I Need To Control My Anger Before It Controls Me Again!

then like a light switch, the pain from her body went away, she let go of her head and looked at Clawdeen and Frankie who smiled at her. Draculaura cried tears of joy and hugged them tightly, knowing she was in control


Draculaura woke up to find herself in bed, she didn't know how long she was out for but it had to be for a couple hours since the sun was up and Clawdeen and Frankie were snuggled up to her, she noticed a few tears stuck on their cheeks, she wiped them away

Draculaura: did they really think I just died in front of them?

she notices Clawdeen holding her witchcraft book, she carefully grabs it and turns to the spell she used, she reads the warning she missed. she groaned and threw the book across the room in anger, this jolted awake Clawdeen and Frankie who looked relieved to see her

Clawdeen and Frankie: DRACULAURA!

they both hugged her tightly, both crying into her shoulder and chest. Draculaura shushed them and stroked their backs and kissed their heads. she felt guilty for what she put them through, all the pain they must have felt. she gasped feeling Clawdeen's claws dig into her back but ignored the pain

Draculaura: shh, shh, it's okay you two, I'm here, I'm here. I love you both so much

they stayed there like that for 5 more minutes until Clawdeen and Frankie calmed down. they looked at her and smiled, Frankie rested their head on top of Draculaura's and Clawdeen listened to Draculaura's heartbeat. Draculaura was glad they weren't angry at her, but didn't like it when they worried like that

Clawdeen: big sister?

Draculaura: Hmm?

Clawdeen: why did you use the spell on yourself?

Draculaura: *sigh* it's just.. I hate it when I get angry at you two, because it's like my body acts on its own and I hate it. 

Frankie: it's okay big sister sometimes it's okay to be angry even at the ones you love

Clawdeen: Frankie's right Drac, but you need to control the anger before it starts controlling you. there are dozens of things you can do if you get angry, talk it out with someone, count to 10, or just focus on breathing

Draculaura: I guess I never thought of that

Clawdeen: now please, no more mind-altering spells please

Draculaura gave them both a million kisses on their heads making them laugh

Draculaura: I promise, lets go to bed

Frankie: can we sleep with you?

Clawdeen: please?

Draculaura: Aww, how can I say no to my little sisters?

she covered them all up and let the two snuggle closer to her, Draculaura smiled lovingly at them, she couldn't say how much she loved being their big sister. she kissed their head again and they kissed her head. soon Clawdeen and Frankie fell asleep, Draculaura looked at them one more time before getting comfortable and drifting off to sleep.

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