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( guys I'm changing Minnie's name to rosé.  )


Tae : hello little dove ! Did you miss me ?

I ignored him and tried to move past him but he gripped my arm painfully.

He still had that stupid smirk on his face. That i just wanted to wipe off .

Me : what ? Let go of me , you're hurting me ( i squeaked struggling to free my arm from his hold but he only tighten it even more . If he had even heard me he didn't show any indication.

Tae : "aww Little dove ! Finally decided that she has a voice "

He said tauntingly .

I gave him my hardest glare but he was totally unaffected.

Me : let me go now !" I repeated trying my best to sound firm but failed at it woefully.

Tae : " let go of you ? But i preciously came back only for you, I've surely missed you all these time "

He replied and then he roamed his eyes over my body briefly before returning to my gaze .

Tae : I must say you grew up these two years but you're still just as ugly as i remembered."

As much i told myself not to be effected words it still hurts me , my eyes Stung and I had to leave this instant before i disgrace myself by crying in his presence.

Me : let go of me taehyung " i gretted out trying to push past him with all my strength but he didn't bulge . His smirk only seen to widen .

Tae : and if I don't ? You know it's really laughable seeing that you've grown a backbone. He said laughing.

Then it was gone replaced by a harsh look as he leaned down and whispered in my ears

Tae " beacouse it will be fun to slowly break it off this time again and again."

I've told myself many times that i wasn't that weak girl that would allow herself to intimidated and bullied anymore.............I had to be strong right now or I'm going to spend these last year's under his influence.


We both looked taken back for a moment. I really didn't meant to , one moment I had been trapped against him , then the next........... the shocked expressions on his face was seemed time stood between us and ........two .........three

He grasped my shoulders harshly and said

Tae :  you'll pay for that " he seethed his arm raised . I closed my eyes preparing myself for the impact , a moment passes, then another but still nothing........

I peered my eyes opened slowly to be met by his brown cold ones . For a moment something flashed through his gaze but it was gone so fast before I could deciper what it was .

" Lisa"

A voice broke out trance , he released his hold on my shoulders and walked away .

Rosé : why are you not coming to the class ? It's been some minutes .

Rosé : why are you not coming to the class ? It's been some minutes

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