~headcanons: physical touch~

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-Kieran's a slut for cuddles.

-Seriously, he will pull you on top of him and trap you there every five minutes. Squirming doesn't help.

-If you did the same to him, he'd likely almost cry and curl up in your arms. 

-Asking him to cuddle will result in a possible 3-hour trap of Kieran holding you/you holding him and playing with each others' hair.

-If you're smaller than Kieran, he'll wrap his legs around you and curl up with you.

-If you're larger, oh boy. He's not going to go anywhere without making at least one attempt to sit on your lap. 

-psst- protip- put your hands around his waist. 


-Kissing Kieran is heavenly.

-His lips (and tongue 😏) are cold as ice unless he uses magic to warm them.

-It's a different feeling, and Kieran's got loads of experience kissing.

-Shivers. Serious shivers.

-Biting his lip will.... Cause things.

-Kieran bites back, and would definitely leave some lovely little marks for everyone to see.

Hand holding:

-Meh. Not really a fan.

-He doesn't like being all cold and clammy when holding hands. 

-Maybe he would let you if he locked his fingers between yours with his or your hand on top. Like on a table or something, perhaps a desk in a class.

-He wouldn't hold your hand unless you looked scared/upset or you said you liked it, because then he'd make a point to do so even if he dislikes it.

Body tracing:

-Kieran loves to trace your marks, if you have any.

-Like scars or scabs or birthmarks, he finds them so endearing.

-I have a headcanon that he has scars from a few things- mostly on his back. He won't tell you where they came from.

-Kieran likes it when you trace them. He just freezes and sighs gently.

-He also loves dragging his fingers along you. If you wanted, he would use his nails too, just lightly raking your skin. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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