365 Days

429 7 1

It was a late night shift today at the hospital, fatigue settling deep within your bones as you continued working. Nights like these continued nonstop to the point were you couldn't enjoy yourself, simply letting yourself slip away into a fantasy as you easily moved around the room like previous nights.

And maybe it was that reason why you felt unease this time, as if someone else were in the room. Perhaps your mind was playing tricks on you and continued making your way through your shift, catching a glimpse of a shadow.

Curiosity hinging your eyes, you made your way towards it in the halls only to be met with nothing. Glancing both sides, curiosity shifted to confusion at the emptiness. Your imagination was getting the best of you, mentally cursing yourself for not taking on that coffee one of your co-workers had offered.

Brushing off the feeling once more, you headed back to collect your things as your shift nearly came to an end. Tucking a braid behind your ear as you slid your bag across your body, you jolted as the sound of heavy steps echoed through the room. You were about to rush out until the lights flickered off, needless to say if it weren't for common sense and boundaries, you would have been shitting your pants. Tightening your fingers over the pendant around your neck, you murmured a small prayer in hopes this wasn't some other alien invasion or Blip-like scenario.

Just then, light returned to the room- not without revealing two tall and dark warriors. The Dora Milaje, if you were correct. Spears in their grasps, a strong and neutral expression among their faces as both stood along each side of none other than Shuri Udaku. Her lean figure sported an all black suit, rings adorning her inked knuckles as a hand rose to adjust the dark shades hiding that very sharp gaze of hers. Two necklaces- gold clashed with silver- hung freely down her chest, a flash of silver lining along her teeth at the breath leaving her parted lips; needless to say, Wakanda's great and young royal was attractive.

Your glance jumped on each of them, eyes practically bulging out as the realization of who these people actually were hit you- the power they held and how they were standing with you, alone.

"The fuck...nah tell me this ain't happenin'." You were met with nothing but silence- all three simply staring at your shocked expression. You could've sworn the corner of the Panther's mouth formed a smirk but kept steady.

Letting out an awkward chuckle, you motioned your head towards the exit. "Yeah, we can just pretend none of this happened. Whoever ya'll looking for isn't here- so I"m just gonna go." The second you tried making your way past them, longing to enter your car and zoom home trying to forget tonight's events, the two warrior women's spears clashed across each other, right between you and Shuri.

"Unless you want to be taken by force, I suggest you listen and wait." One spoke. Huffing out a breath, you looked at her. Golden rings around her neck, the similar color around her wrists as well and a tribal tattoo painting her scalp. 'The General, I assume....'

Her painted mouth was put in a sarcastic smile, a bit amused at the sight of your annoyance. It disappeared the second Shuri spoke, muttering something in a language you weren't fluent with. Confusion written across your face, you looked between the pair as they exchanged words.

But irritation managed to beat the very emotion, butting into their conversation. "What the hell do ya'll want with me, now?"

Silence lumbered, a cocked brow thrown by both warriors at your choice of words while the dark woman only chuckled. "Forgive this...rather unpredictable turn of events, s'thandwa. As you can tell, I am Shuri, Protector of Wakanda. I've come here to retrieve you for...royal business."

Raising a brow, you asked: "Royal Business?"

She nodded, thumbs disappearing into the pockets of her suit. "You have a great work ethic and strong personality from what my people, and your employees have informed me of. A decent life, and an interest that seemed to have caught my attention...everything you have requires for a great ruler of a powerful nation such as mine."

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