The Pilot: Part 1

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Oceanic Airlines Flight 815, a commercial airliner flying from Sydney to Los Angeles, hits turbulence and breaks apart in mid-air and crashes on a deserted tropical island in the South Pacific, with forty-eight survivors of the initial crash. Mysterious roars are heard from the jungle and trees are found knocked over. Jack, Kate and Charlie set out into the jungle to find the cockpit of the airplane so they can send out a distress signal using the plane's transceiver. They also find the pilot, who survived the crash, and informs them that the plane had been steered more than a thousand miles off course before it crashed, and thus any rescuers would be looking in the wrong place. The pilot is soon killed by a mysterious unseen "monster." A flashback shows Jack on the plane.  

A man awakens laid on his back in the jungle, disoriented, battered and bruised. He looks up for a moment at the bamboo trees swaying above him. Hearing something next to him he turns his head, noticing for a fleeting moment a yellow Labrador retriever darting through the bamboo forest. He eases himself up, breathing heavily, he looks in his suit pocket and finds a small bottle of vodka. Leaning against a tree he stumbles through the jungle until he reaches a beach. Looking around him the beach almost seems peaceful. In the distance a woman repeatedly screams. He runs towards the source of the shouts and screams and finds a plane wreckage. Shielding his face from a piece of burning wreckage he runs through the mine field of people and wreckage, looking disoriented. 

"Help me! Somebody help me!" A man cries. A woman is sobbing and the man just stands in the middle of the wreckage looking around helplessly. A wing from part of the fuselage creaks and falters but doesn't fall. The man runs over to a someone who is trapped under a piece of wreckage. 

"Hey! Come here and give me a hand!" The man motioned over a few people.

"On the count of three! 1... 2... 3...!" They all lifted the heavy metal and someone pulled the man out. He yelled and the man looked at his bloodied leg. He took off his tie and tied it around the man's leg above the knee. 

"Please! Help me!" The man looked up and saw a blonde pregnant girl leaning on some of the wreckage. He stood up shouting orders to the other men.

"Get him away from the engine! Get him out of here!" He sprinted towards the pregnant girl. 

"Help me! I'm having contractions!" The Australian girl grabbed his jacket. 

"How many months pregnant are you?" 

"Only ei.. eight months." 

"And how far apart are they coming?" The man said calmly.

"I don't know it just happened." Something suddenly exploded. The man shielded the girl from the debris and helped her get up.

"Listen. Look at me. Your going to be ok. You understand me? But you have to sit absolutely still." The girl groaned and clutched her stomach.

"Hey you! Come here! I need you to get this woman away from these fumes. Take her over there. If her contractions come any closer than three minutes apart call to me." The man motioned to a big curly haired guy and gave him his watch. 

"Oh, you got to be kidding me." The curly haired man looked at the girl.

"I'll be right back." The man got up from the sand.

"Hey! What's your name?" The curly haired man yelled after him.

"Jack!" Jack turned around and ran to a man in a blue shirt giving CPR to a black middle aged woman. 

"Stop! Her heads not tilted back far enough. Your blowing air into her stomach." Jack pushed away the young man.

"You sure? That's exactly what I was doing." The man sat on his knees and looked at Jack. "I'm a lifeguard. I'm licensed." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2011 ⏰

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