Calls from Mexico

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A\N: Another JIBBS oneshot, My laptop seems to be working, albeit slowly but working nonetheless. This is set after Hiatus part 2 but before Shalom, enjoy, Angels.

It's 2245 when her office phone rings, breaking the redheaded woman out of her pattern of reading her agents' reports, signing them and taking sips of the bourbon that's in the tumbler at her elbow. She picks up the receiver and puts it to her ear.

"Shepard." She says tiredly. It's been a long day for her with meetings in MTAC, a teleconference with SECNAV, updating C.Os and families, reading and signing reports.

"Jen, it's Gibbs." Jenny gasps when she hears his voice. It's been 3 weeks since he woke up from his coma and retired and left for Mexico. It's been hell for her not to have him in her life after not having him in her life for six years.

"Jethro," she says. "what's wrong?" She doesn't think she could stomach it if he was hurt again so soon after being in an explosion.

"Nothing." Jethro says, Jenny groans internally before taking a deep breath, trying to squash her rising anger.

"If nothing is wrong then why the hell are you calling me?" She snaps. She hears Jethro sigh.

"I miss you, Jen." Jethro says quietly. Jenny feels tears fill her eyes when she hears him say that she misses him too, she has for the last six years.

"I miss you too, Jethro." Jenny whispers with a smile on her face. They're both quiet for a few minutes, each enjoying the sound of the others breathing until his gruff yet soft voice breaks the silence.

"You smiling, Jen?" He asks her knowingly. Jenny rolls her teared filled green eyes. Even when he's not in DC, he still knows me. The former redheaded agent thinks to herself. Her smile grows.

"Yeah, Jethro, I am." She says quietly, hiding a yawn. She hears Jethro chuckle on the other line of the phone.

"Don't tell me that you're still at the office at 2300 on a Friday night?" He asks her. When she doesn't answer, Jethro continues. Go home, get a bubble bath, pour yourself a glass of wine, put on one of my shirts you still have and relax. You need to relax more, Jen." He orders her, sounding very much like her bastard of a boss he was six years ago. Jenny sighs. Giving into his order.

"Fine, I'll go home as long as you keep calling me." She bargains. She doesn't care what time it is or what he's doing in Mexico with Mike Franks, just as long as he calls her, as long as she hears his voice in something other than her dreams. Jethro huffs like a child, Jenny laughs.

"Whatever you say, Jen." Jethro says, Jenny can picture him rolling his eyes as he walks across the beach as he accepts his request.

"Goodnight, Jethro." She says quietly. Jethro is silent for a few minutes before she hears his voice.

"Goodnight, Jen," he pauses for a second. "I love you." He whispers. The tears she's been holding back spill down her cheeks when she hears him saying those three words. She told him that she loved him in Paris nearly 7 years ago and he didn't say it back to her.

"I love you too, Jethro." She says before she hangs up the phone and puts it back in the cradle and stares at the picture of the two of them in Paris. 

Over the next four months, the calls from Mexico slowly heal her once broken heart. 

A\N: Two stories in one afternoon! This oneshot was written on my laptop which is working again for however long it decides to work for. I hope you enjoy this, Angels. 

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