So this is what happiness feels like (edward x reader)oneshot

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Hey guys!! As promised here is the ed x reader. Oh! The italics are a character or reader-chans thoughts. Ok now on to the story!!
Damn! This bastard is persistant! I'm so giving that flame brain Mustang an ear full when I get back! My thoughts race as I flip for the fifth time avoiding this lunatics alchemy.
Dammit Mustang!

*flash back time*
~no ones P.O.V~
"James Murffy, also known as the 'lightning Alchemist'. He always seemed off but last week he jumped off the deep end and has been on a killing spree scence."
Mustangs deep voice resonated off the walls of his office.
"WAIT! Lightning?! How?!" Edward asks rather loudly.
"Well, this is just an educated guess but I believe his alchemy is much like mine; but his transmutation circles are on his palms and when he claps his circles re-arrange the moisture in the air into a line leading whatever he likes. Twisting his palms creates static wich he magnifies and carrys it through the water" Roy finishes,
"So this probably wont be easy." Ed mumbles.

*back to the action*
~Ed's P.O.V~
The fight is escalating quickly and Al is being restrained to the ground with heavy chains, while I'm paralyzed by his last electric attack. As he creeps forward a girl comes from nowhere , her (h/c) hair lay dormant as she brings a knife from her sleeve and stabs the man through the chest. Before dying Murffy electicutes the girl.
She fell with a thud, her hair pooling around her.
She looks around my age...
"Brother is she-"
"I hope not. But hey, dosent she look kinda familiar to you Al?"
"Yeah now that you mention it, she does"
Al and I discuss quietly eyeing the girl.
"Well we cant just leave her here, we do owe her" I explain.
"Yeah." Al replys
"Well, lets head back" I say.
Alphonse picks her up bridal style and we make our way back to the hotel.

*time skip*
"When do you think she will wake up brother?"
A hollow voice rings slightly stinging my ears.
"Tsk! My body!" I wine as I try to unlock my muscles and sit up.
With a heave I bend at my at my mid-section to face my knees. Not long after I feel the cold of a blade at the back of my neck.
"Yes?" I ask
"Who are you, and why did you save us?!" Hearing the teenage voice I can tell exactly who it belongs too.
I see he hasent changed much.
"Is that any way to treat an old friend Edward?" I asked turning my head to face the young alchemist
"What do you-"
"Brother wait!"
Ed was cut off by a joyful hollow voice. A suit of armor walks over to the couch I was resting on
"No way.....(y/n)?!"
My face instantly lights up,
I spring from the couch and hug the huge suit of armor.
"Its been to long!!!" I say.
"Um...sorry to interupt but....who are you again?" Ed askes as he transmutes his arm back. I let go of Alphonse and sigh
"Of corse, the mighty Fullmetal Alchemist cant even remember a childhood friend. Wow, thanks!" I reply with sarcasm laced through my words. This'll be fun

*small time skip*
After a very lengthy explanation, everything finally clicked inside of Ed's head.
It was vary late and time to end the day. I was told the only place to sleep was in the spare room with Alphonse while Edward claimed the couch.
Waving goodnight to Ed, Al and I retreat to the spare room.
With the door closed I head to the bed until I hear Al speak from behind me
"You like him, dont you?"
I visually stiffen, and turn to face Alphonse
"W-what no! I so do not l-like him!!"
My face feels like its burning!! How did he know?! Is it that obvious?!
With my head down I mutter my next responce under my breath
"Y-yeah....I do..."
"I new it!!" Al's loud out breaks the silence startling me
"shhh!! Someone might he-" my sentence is interrupted when the door opens and Edward walks in.
"I'll just give you guys some alone time" Al says before leaving with a figurative smile on his face.

My face is flaming!! I look down to hide my hot face from Ed.
" it true?" Ed's voice cuts through the silence.
With shaking words I answer
"I-I-I-.....yeah...ever sence we where kids" god I must sound so stupid stuttering like this!
With my head still cast down I see Edwards feet come into me field of vision. With his right hand he lightly pulls my face to meet his. He then takes his left hand and places it at the base of my neck and quickly pulls my head into a passionate kiss.
After the inital shock I close my eyes and bring both my hands up to cup Edward's face.
Pulling away I hear Ed speak
"If that dosent show how I feel I dont know what will" he slightly laughs and rests his forehead augenst mine
"I dont know.. I mean, words might be nice"
I tease with a gentle smile placed on my features.
"Heh. I love you, (y/n)."
He replies, his voice soft and comforting.
My heart swells at his words and with a happy sigh I reply,
"I love you too, Edward"
So this is what happiness feels like
Hey guys!! Im back....again ^-^" sorry for the late update, I don't get much inspiration for this kind of stuff. So it might be a while till the next update, sorry!!! So until the moon my friends~~♡

So this is what happiness feels like(Edward Elric x reader oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now