a night of torture and noise

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As I drove home after my match I was lost in thought about what career my son would want. I didn't know that my son would take after me but I knew that I would have to tell him about his home world at some point but it was his choice if he wanted to go back there I could not make the choice for him I made mine fifteen sixteen years ago when his father left me for an empty thrown and a stupid trident, as I pulled into the driveway Daniel came outside soaking wet with a drenched Jack Russell my dog Jack.

Jeff:* smiles and picks up jack* hi buddy wow your soaked and still full of suds

Daniel: dad he wouldn't sit still at all for me to bath him

Jeff:* signs and grabs the hose to rinse him off* Jack sit still you crazy pooch

Daniel:* carries his bags in and starts doing his laundry*

Jeff:* walks inside and set's jack down and goes to the laundry room* oh you already have my laundry going Daniel?

Daniel: dad I'm always one step ahead of you since I was little you do enough for me dad but I wish I knew who my other parent was just so I could tell them thanks for abandoning the family

Jeff:* looks down and signs* son I wish I told you sooner about what we were

Daniel: what do you mean by what we are?

Jeff: your a merman like me but I raised you on the surface so you were safe away from your father he abandoned us for some stupid trident years ago when you were born Daniel I wasn't ready back then to raise you on my own but I couldn't abandon you like he did

Daniel: so you pushed through it so I had a parent

Jeff: yes I did and I should have done better than I did but I did what I could and that is what matters most

Daniel: I I didn't know how rough it was on you dad I'm sorry I was a little shit head

Jeff: just think I made it look easy on other father's and I wonder why their mad at me

the merman and a curse(sequel to the merman and the human boy)Where stories live. Discover now