Angel Is Home!

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After Angel's check up with the veterinarian, She was carefully picked up but the moment the veterinarian touched Her fur coat.

It was unbelievable that Angel had another accident but how could Her own fur be sensitive to touch its impossible but somehow She showed signs of embarrassment 😳 due to what happened between them.

The veterinarian had no choice but to put on another diaper on Angel and then the veterinarian had to do it all over again.

Once She was cleaned up and then diapered again, Angel then jumped down from the table and behaved like a good girl.

She just carefully followed the veterinarian to the door but before the veterinarian opened up the door, the veterinarian then grabbed a package of Incontinence diapers to give to the owner.

When they both left the room together and the veterinarian explained everything to Jim Dear about what happened between them, saying that Angel's nervous system is a whole lot more weaker than normal behaviour.

But She is going to have to wear Incontinence diapers every day and night due to Her bladder is more weaker than ever before but at least She's alive and well.

When Jim Dear saw Angel She may look fine on the outside but the inside isn't working the same way as the last time.

When they both left the building together and then Angel then walked slowly towards the car and jumped through the open window and then She immediately sat down in the passenger seat.

Finally Jim Dear got inside the vehicle and then He drives them back home.

When they arrived back home Angel then jumped out of the window of the car and landed perfectly onto all fours of Her own paws.

Jim then got out of the vehicle and then He locked it up afterwards.

When they both arrived at the front door Jim was carrying the parcel with the diapers in it and the moment He opened the front door Angel went inside first and then Jim closed the door once He was inside the house.

But when Angel saw Scamp waiting for Her to come over to Him and then meet someone very important.

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