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Purple and Mango made it to Alan's desktop. Green was waiting outside of the portal for them. "Purple!" Green excitedly exclaimed, pulling his friend into a hug. He then looked up and noticed Mango, his expression changed and he let go of Purple. "Good evening sir." He said, bowing his head slightly. "...It's the afternoon." Replied the former king, looking down at Green.

Green paused for a bit, embarrassed, but he quickly regained composure. "Well, good afternoon then!" The taller stick figure rolled his eyes. "Well, have fun. And stay safe." He said, patting Purple's shoulder. "I will, don't worry." Purple smiled back. Mango left without another word.

Green turned to Purple, "C'mon, I wanna show you something." Purple followed Green, who led him to a set of noteblocks. "Do you know how to play?" Green asked. "Sort of, I learned how to play like, one song but that was years ago. I'm not the greatest." Purple said, walking behind the noteblocks. "Well? Play for me, I bet you got it stored somewhere in your brain."

Purple was hesitant, but began playing. Green slightly recognized the music, he was pretty sure it was the theme of some tv show. Purple seriously downplayed his skills, he was pretty good. He didn't miss a note, and he had a good sense of rythm. The song was short and ended quickly. "You're not bad! What song was that?" Purple smiled at the compliment. "Oh I think it's the theme of some show I was into, the one with the triangle?" "Oh, I know that show!" "Yeah, I learnt it awhile ago, I'm surprised I still remembered it." Green walked next to Purple, "Well, how do you feel about learning another one?"

He showed Purple a song that he wrote down in a book. It was a duet, the parts were written in different colors making it easier to differentiate the two parts of the song from eachother. Purple read the notes and began to play, slowly and carefully, after a bit he tried to go a bit faster. He was doing good until he missed a note.

Green stood behind him and put his hands on Purple's, causing Purple to blush. "Here, let me show you." He whispered, he guided his hands to the correct notes, helping him play the song. Purple smiled, "This is heart and soul!" Green nods, before moving next to him to play the second part. "Are you ready?" Purple nodded and they begun playing.

Green loved to play the noteblock, it was something fun he could do to pass the time. Although he taught himself to play heart and soul without someone else, it was nice playing with another. After all, he learned this song for Purple.

He turned to Purple to see if he was enjoying it aswell. He saw Purple's focused expression, his eyes squinted and his eyebrows slightly furrowed. He got lost in his features and was hardly paying attention to the song, almost slipping up. Thankfully he caught himself staring and went back to the song.

They finished the song, and Green looked at Purple and smiled, "Y'know, you're actually really good." Purple blushed at the compliment, and stuttered a quick thanks.

Green looked at the time, it was getting late. "It's getting late, let's go back to my room." Purple nodded and followed Green to his and the rest of the color gang's shared house.

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