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1. Follow us (TheLavendarCommunity) and your graphic designer permanently.

2. Add this and one of our works to your reading list.

3. Be patient and respectful while requesting.

4. Claim your design within 3 days and use it atleast for 1 week. We don't want to waste anyone's hardwork. If not then it will become a draft or premade for someone esle!

5. If you don't like your design or want to change anything in it. Please contact your graphic designer or the head.

6. Don't shop hop!! It's really disrespectful. 

7. Paralyzing is strictly not allowed. Don't use any design without permission or we will take the necessary actions.

8. Every graphic designer has their own way of payments and submitting forms. Please keep that in mind.

9. Complete your payment after your form is accepted.

10. The password is your favorite colour. (This keeps changing)

11. Give credits to your graphic designer for their designs.

Fill out the forms in next upcoming chapters.

For now that's it. But will add more rules if needed. So keep checking it.

Any doubts? Ask here ➡

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