chapter 1♡

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scaramouche pov

I woke up to my stupid fucking alarm that I wish I never had. But I have to go to school after being homeschooled since 1st to 8th grade. My mom finally decided to let me go to high school to socialize with others. Once I changed I went to the kitchen with a note on the counter saying..

Kunikuzushi I am going to work early and already dropped your sisters off I left your breakfast in the microwave              


After I read the note, I thought, "how the fuck are you going early to work and already dropped my sisters off before fucking 6am!?"  Anyways, I looked in the microwave to see a bowl of cereal. "Who puts cereal in the microwave?" I thought.  I poured the cereal in the sink and I grabbed my backpack and walked to school.

10 minutes later

I finally made it to this garbage school that looked like prison. Once I walked in the school it looked bad and ugly to be honest.  I went to find the principals office to get my schedule but kinda got lost.  After about 20 minutes of looking for it I finally found it.  My schedule is so random I swear i've got Math, Music, English, History, Science, PE, and Art.  Anyways im ready to get lost again in this 5 story school that looks like prison.  

At Math

I walked into my math class and sat all the way in the back because I didn't want to sit with someone.  Once I sat in the back, I grabbed my notebook and decided to draw a bird on a cat sleeping.  A few minutes past and the teacher came into the classroom and welcomed everyone.  "Welcome everyone my name is Mrs. Jean." (I chose the most random person I could think of don't attack my ass 😰)  Her name reminded me of the pants since the name of the pants are called jeans and her name is Jean.  She started her lesson and I had to write down everything because then we would get in trouble sadly.  The lesson felt like an hour long but was only 47 minutes?  Welp, I've got music next better get going.  I got up and left the classroom to the hallways where I went to find my music class

At Music

I swear once I got there, a bunch of people were surrounding the fucking door like let me fucking through I need to go to my class.  Finally after a minute or so they left and I enter the classroom.  There was a group of five in the front and once again I went to sit in the back but I feel like one of the kids in the group of five are gonna come sit next to me.  A few minutes past while I was drawing on my notebook the bird on the cat sleeping, one of the kids came to sit near me.  There was nothing wrong with that but why, WHY?  Why has life do me like this *insert sad emoji.*  "Hey my name's Venti how bout you?" said the kid that sat next to me. "Why should I tell you little boy" I replied.  "Hey im not a little boy and because I would like to know so tell me what is your name?" the Venti kid said.  "Well I ain't telling you so go, shoo shoo."  Surprisingly he actually went back with his little group.  The teacher finally entered the room.  "Hello students sorry for being late but my name is Ms. Nahida glad to meet you all I hope we can get to know each other."  Damn is it just me or was that a long welcome following with an apology.  After this class will be nutrition which I was excited for because I swear if I see any of those kids, I will rip their heads off.  Once class was finished, I left as fast as possible to go find a spot where only I would be so I could use my phone in peace.  After some time I found a spot behind the school where no one is at so I took that as an opportunity to make that my spot that I found and claimed for myself.  While I was there using my phone, I heard someone coming.  I swear to fucking archons sake if its one of those kids im throwing hands.  

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