Chapter 2 ☆

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Welp it was two of them. One had white hair with a red strike and the other had like dark redish hair. Maroon? I don't know but they both reminded me of fruits yknow. The maroon one reminded me of a raspberry and the other one reminded me of a strawberry. Why strawberry? Its cause sometimes strawberries can be white but are mainly red while a raspberry is like a dark red.  Anyways, it looked like they were grabbing something. Hopefully they leave soon because I wanna be alone like cmon bro please don't approach me.  Sadly, nutrition is only such little time the bell rang. I got up and I walked to my third period. What was it again? Art? Science? English? I don't know but ima check my schedule just hopefully I didn't loose it. Thankfully I didn't and English is next. I wonder who my teacher is gonna be but anyways I better get going because I barely walked a bit before looking for my schedule. I got into the building and I went to find my class knowing I will have less time.

At History

I got to history and the teacher chose my spot, how great of him. His name is Mr Al haithem. He made me sit next to a girl named Kamisato Ayaka. No offense, but if you remove her bangs, she would have such a large forehead my hand would be smaller than it. She has her light blue hair in a ponytail not gonna lie but her hairs long. I wonder how it looks down but before I could even think, Mr Al haithem started the lesson.  During the lesson, a guy kept staring at me he looked just like the girl that sits next to me. I bet there siblings but why he gotta side eye me like that 😢. After the lesson I got ready quick and before you know it the bell rang and I zoomed out there like sonic the fucking hedgehog.

(omg i relized i messed up the schedule so its now math music history english sceince PE art)

I started walking to English class and I saw a familiar person- omg its the the the guys I saw during nutrition. The people that looked like a strawberry and raspberry but they were in their group of 5. Holy shit hopefully they don't notice me because i've seen them like twice today now the third time. I slowly walked to my English class, more like speed walking. But one of them as the same class as me so they were all walking the kid. I finally enter my English class, introduced by Mr. Zhongli an old man. He also had to choose my seat next to a kid, named Xiao? Thankfully the kid raised their hand so I could find my seat but I really was looking forward to being able to choose my seat since he is an old man. This kid kept giving me weird looks as if I killed his entire family like I just met you man. After the lesson, the Xiao kid wanted me to meet him at lunch. This kid is weird but anyways I declined and walked to my fifth period. Science, I speed walked just because I can. Once I got there, my teachers name was Mr. Tighnari. In this class I was so glad, I was about to choose my seat until a certain someone volunteered for me to sit next to them and obviously, the teacher accepted it. Ugh this man, he was a fucking ginger like a gingerbread man. He looked like ed sherann (idk how to spell it) like cmon are you his son? Or just a wannabe? I don't know and don't care but this man kept talking to me like if im interested in talking at the moment. Finally, the end of the lesson I felt like I was gonna die just talking to this man. Oh yeahhh its lunch now I didn't pack any food though because I ain't gonna be hungry im just gonna be annoyed by the people here. I went to the place I sat for nutrition and used my phone.

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