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The blurriness of the cars on the other lane was amazing. Why were they driving so fast? Were they in a rush? It didn't matter, not really anyway. Everything is loud. Honking and yelling. I wish it was quiet, but I like imagining it was. Something was prodding me on my side. I checked what it was. My suitcase, god.. can today get any more annoying? I moved my luggage so I would have more space but ended up making a mess.

My driver looked back to check what the commotion was about. He was an old Scottish man with red hair and a horrific beer belly. He was really nice, though. I like him. Why weren't we moving? I want this piece of trash to move.

I suck my teeth in frustration. " Do you know why we stopped?" I said to my driver, trying to peer over his head to look over the car in front of us. " Sit back down boyo let me check." He said calmly, but with a slightly irritated, I felt embarrassed and just kept my mouth shut.

He sighed and opened the car door, and he slammed the door closed, making me jump. I saw him limp forward to look for what happened. I looked at my window a forest were in a forest. Wow, I've never been inside a forest. I can see birds and a deer? Was that a deer? So close to humans.

Its eyes are huge, and buggy, we made eye contact. Its eye felt like it pierced my soul it gave me shivers. " Stop looking at me," I said under my breath it was creeping me out. I broke eye contact when the car driver opened the door loudly and unexpectedly. He was heaving and sweating " crash," he said while pointing forward with his thumb. " What?" I said, confused why he said 'crash'. " A car crash 5 cars forward," he said, annoyed. "Oh ok," I said, looking at my shoes.

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