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Knock knock knock

Hard knocks on his door got the slightest bit of his non existent consciousness, dragging him out of his paralyzed mind .

He felt so numb ,his feather light body felt like it weighs tons as his cut hands kept bleeding nonstop ,he was literally wrecked, more than wrecked ,but it felt so good ,so new ,so free ,not being wrecked for sure ,he was wrecked for almost his entire life .

What felt so peaceful was that sensation as his head lightens ,his breathing hitches ,his heartbeats slows down preparing for a permanent stop ,a drive off to his last life station and destination .

And it was so ethereal ,as his eyes lidded preparing for their last shut ,as he took a last look on his surroundings.

His vision was blurry ,yet he managed to recognize ,the way the stray candle light layed on his bed dimly .

The way the callous chains wrapped his wrists' soft skin ,the way his reflection in the front mirror looked so consumed ,stained ,pale yet so celestic in a way .

He grabbed the bed sheets harshly ,to be the last thing he touched before his limbs give up .

He smiled faintly as his eyes went shut ,cherishing his last inhale .

The strong metallic smell of blood hiting his nose forcefully ,it was so sweet .

The blood or the whole experience of getting that close to the end ?

That was a question he still has no answer for .

He let his body faint ,wilt ,letting the most fragrant scent ,slip away out of him .

With zero percent of resistance .

He knew it was the end ,he gave in completely .

Before the last breath slip out of his dry cherries ,before his worn out heart spill out it's last beat .

The knocking sound has grown louder .

A deafening sound hit his ears as the door went broken ,a glimpse of blinding light hit his closed eyes .

He was so close ,why can't he just be free why can't they just leave him take a single desicion, to put and end to this tragedy called his life .

Before the door was fully open ,before his consciousness vanishes away ,he felt the chains loosen around his wrists ,a freezing arms wrapped his coldening body ,yet it felt warmer than his parents hugs ,that he never experienced.

He wasn't able to recognize his scent ,nor the sensation of resting in his arms ,but it was way more comfortable than being brought back to life in this spacious palace that felt like the tightest prison cell for him .

It was better than being a puppet ,complying to the king's commands ,that was too cruel ,suffocating .

It was forbidden to breath in this place ,without his father's premission .

He felt like a dying autumn leaf getting thrown wherever the breeze wishes .

He was so done with the breeze's non considerate decisions ,he wanted to take a decision for once at least but the breeze where too selfish ,too arrogant to fulfill that innocent wish for the fragile leaf .

That's why it has rebelled against the cocky breeze ,it wanted to turn into a tornado that crushes his pride mercilessly .

Yet he couldn't be the tornado ,he neither wanted to play the wilting leaf's rule anymore .

He's chosen to quit .

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