CHAPTER 5: CONTACT from Future

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No one pov.
As the future princess and prince introduce themselves Prince Deamon laugh about what the young ones stated. "That is very funny there's no way to be true, your insulting us dragons!"  Deamon shouted. "Well shall we present our evidence then." Anathor laid out an amulate that has a sun and moon design, then moon symbol shine as a hologram appeared with a very young woman with a elegant gown of red and black color symbol of house Targaryen and a man with colors of winter blue, red and black mixed color symbol of house Stark and Targaryen. "Mother, Father how is the situation there ?" Anathor asked. "Anathor, Amarys our situation here is still fine our enemy are still no movement yet. How are your situation there?" Deanerys asked. "Mother, we contacted you to show Prince Deamon here that we tell him the truth." "What truth?" "To show them that we are from the future." Amarys replied. "I see, now that you prove to them that you said is true, we should introduce ourselves to them." Jon said. " I am Deanerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, Queen of Seven Kingdom , Andals and The first men, Khalisee of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons." "And I Aegon Targaryen VI of House Stark and Targaryen, the White Wolf, Former Commander of Night Watch, The Resurrect, Killer of the Great Other and King of Seven Kingdoms,Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Realm." They introduce themselves.

Daemon pov.
This is interesting our visitors from future came here to what but something in those two that I'm familliar with but I can't describe what it is. "What your intention coming here then?" I asked. "We are here to prevent the dance of the dragons from happening." "The True blood of the Dragon must win." The twins said. "We are the true Blood of the Dragon but what is he doing here?" I asked. "He is here because he is True dragon, Vhagar will kill him if he isn't True Dragon." Amarys said. "An Elder Dragon can smell the Blood of a True Dragon." Anathor said. "An Elder Dragon? What is that?" I asked again. "An Elder Dragon is far more dominant than the other dragons, and as an Elder dragon she is the Queen of all Dragon th other dragon can not defy her."  Anathor said. "But our dragons are always defying her. Our Dragons in our half. How can you say that Vhagar is the Queen?" I said. "Because Vhagar is lazy now because of old age ." Amarys said. "What are your plans to prevent this Dance of the Dragons you talking about?" Rhaenyra said. "First we must released all the dragons in order release their primal instict to catch a prey for themselves, then train the soldiers, gain an ally from narrow sea, Essos, Merreen,and Dorne, also ensure to them that alliance is secure in order gain their trust, if not show them what is fire and blood is." Amarys said. I like what Amarys said but... "How can ensure their alliance, espcially Dorne?" I asked.

Rheanyra pov.
The twins is very smart and tactical, they know war very well and strategies for each part as well. They know what they are doing. "Tell them what future holds for them, tell me and my brother wants to talk with them but a warning don't trust Lannisters destroy their house completely they are the one who will become thirst for the throne together with Baratheons who will kill the last male heir of the House Targaryen and take pleasure of killing of a month old Aegon V in form of bashing his head through the walls and 3 year old Rheanys, stabbing her hundreds of times and Princess Elia sister to Prince Oberyn and Doran Martell of Dorne." Amarys said with venom of hatred in her voice. "Why did they do that?" I asked. "Because of our Grandfather Rheagar, Grandmother Lyanna and Grandmother Elia loved each other they agreed to one another to love one another, and they became sworn sister and lover at the same time. But Robert Baratheon conclude that Lyanna loved him but no she didn't love him. He created a rebellion that destroy our house completely. We lose our power and everything we had. Also our allies died in vain." Anathor said. "Then what shall we do then we can't  go and attack them." I said. "No, but Aemond will tell us what is their plan in order to counter them." Deanerys said. I forgot that they are also here, not actually here but in the device the twins have. "Can I asked you something?" I suddenly asked. I felt something in them a motherly feeling that I must protect the twins. "What is it?" Aegon replied. "Who's decendant are you?" I asked. "Now that you mentioned it we are the descendant of young  Aegon IV  which means we are your descendant Rheanyra in your youngest child of you and Deamon." Deanerys said. Me and Deamon are shocked because the persons we meet is our great grandchildren. We are greatful that until now because our blood remains through generations.

Amarys pov.
Rheanyra and Deamon are shocked that we are their descendant. "Now, we must ready to war that they started, now Prince Aemond shall we go to our play ground then. Bye mother, Father" I said. "We shall contact you when we have movement here. Be careful our Little Sun and Moon." Mother and Father said. "A warning Aemond my sister has a different type of taking the truth from you, so you be better be careful." Anathor warned him tease me at the same time. "Hey, no fair you spoiled my fun, you better get me treats later." I said.

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