New Humans on Isla Sorna!

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A/N Hello everyone! I am here with another chapter for your viewing pleasure! Thank you all for getting this chapter up to 10 reads! You all are lovely creatures and I hope you like this chapter enough to reach the goal for this story in order to get another chapter for you to read. I will place the reading requirements at the end of the chapter so you all can wait until then to see the goal. Now the events of this chapter will be taking place during The Lost World movie so be aware of where we are at the moment.

It has been about a few months since the storm had taken over the lab on Isla Sorna, Izuku was exploring the area of the forest as she explored her new territory. She was very happy to know that she had her own territory on the island and was patrolling it every single day in search of food. She knew that this decision to leave the paddock was the correct decision as she was able to learn how to hunt for prey on her own and was killing it! She was moving across the area through the river nearby when she noticed how some of the other herbivores were looking at her. Diving back into the water, she knew that she wasn't hungry to eat one of them, so she focused on her task of finding a new cove to live in. Her size wouldn't be of much help for her since she was too big for it, so she was in search of a new one that could support her size. She swam across the expansive island as she looked at all the dinosaurs as they varied in sizes as well as strengths. She even found a bull and mother Tyrannosaurus sitting around an egg as they tried to defend it from some Raptors. She moved past the Tyrannosaurus' nesting grounds in order to find a medium sized cove for her to sleep in so she could rest. What she wasn't prepared for as she found said, cove was for some helicopters to fly overhead, but not be capable of seeing her as she was under the shrubbery of the forest. Thinking nothing of the helicopter, she laid herself down and tried to sleep for the next couple of hours since she was moving about for a good portion of the day. She wanted to have the energy to move about tomorrow in order to collect some food for herself. As she laid down, she closed her eyes as her body had become camouflaged by the surrounding shrubbery. 


On the other side of the island there was multiple cars and vehicles that were chasing and capturing dinosaurs of differing breeds. The group responsible was some part of Ingen as they wanted to create their own version of Jurassic Park that was failed because of people on the inside for the park that John Hammond created. They were catching and knocking out the dinosaurs as they placed them in cages in order to ship them away from the island. They had been making a game out of it to see what dinosaurs would be captured since they had already caught a Triceratops, Parasaurolophus, a small group of Compsognathus, two Pachycephalosaurus, two Iguanodons, as well as some other no named species. They knew that this was basically animal cruelty since the people they were working for was the ones who created them, but they didn't care so long as they got paid for it. The Ingen providers who gave them the ability to capture some of these animals, were more interested in finding a massive creature who had Human DNA within it but wouldn't talk about where it currently was. It was here that we meet some people from the other Island of Isla Nublar, Ian Malcom was moving on a boat with his friend as they were going to be meeting another one who used to be his girlfriend. The person they were sent to find and protect... Sarah Harding, she was the one who was providing the place she worked at images of the dinosaurs in their natural habitat. And their group needed to be sure that they could navigate the island without alerting the other groups attempting to grab all of the animals for themselves. Arriving on the island was already easy enough, they just stayed out of the way for those working for Ingen and they were fine. They soon found Miss Harding as she was taking photos of Stegosaurus' as they were drinking from some water, hell even a baby stego had moved closer to Harding as she took a picture scaring it. Although, they needed to escape a few minutes afterward in order to escape the enraged Stegosaurus parents. They were running through the forest when they came across a cove where there was a large form sleeping, and Harding immediately took images. "Sarah, we need to move." Ian said, as he slowly grabbed her shoulder and pulled her away. "What are you talking about? We need to get images of this specimen! There hasn't been one living since the late Cretaceous!" Harding said, as Ian stared at the giant monster of a dinosaur. "Sarah, that is Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus, and it is a terrifying creature that is taller than the Tyrannosaurus by a few couple feet! This one is at least 5 feet bigger than the one in Jurassic Park!" Ian said, as he pulled her away finally. As they were moving away, Ian noticed how one of the eyes of the dinosaur was staring right at him as the pupil slightly trembled. "Don't worry big guy, we aren't here to hurt you. We are just leaving." Ian said, as the Spinosaurus moved to lay near his face so he could get a better look at it? As the snout of the Spinosaurus laid itself near him it closed its eyes as it went back to sleep, and as any curious person would do Harding placed her hand over its snout as she felt the scales on its body. "Wow, I've never seen a docile dinosaur except for the herbivores. What do you think happened to this one to trust us?" Harding asked, as Ian was looking at the coloring as well as thinking. 'D-Did it understand me?' He thought to himself before shaking his head. "I don't know what happened to it, but we should probably leave it alone. I don't want to die just yet, and we need to get off the island as fast as possible." Ian said, as he pets the snout of the dinosaur before leaving. Harding went with him as they left in the same direction they came from, but unknown to them, the Spinosaurus had caught their scent almost immediately as they got up from the ground and shook the shrubbery off of them before heading out.

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