my first day to amairca

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As I was getting my bag ready I wished my house goodbye as I was sad to leave japan it was my home as my mother called me "やあシド、準備して" -hey sid come on* as I rushed to my mother still stayed silent to bring my cat estele I always read books to her I was heart broken to leave as I started to read to estele as we got in car I got 2 books wings of fire and warrior cats as I started I said "砂竜は森から漏れ出ているので、氷の翼は攻撃することができます" -the sand dragon as it is leaking out forest the ice wing can attack' as my my cat was interested as she pured I was continuing my trip to the airport -we began our stop to the airport wearing my cat hoodie falling asleep it was night at japan dozing off to a new start...

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