Just Like Old Times

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The sun beams brightly, erasing every bit of darkness that's surrounding the temple. The sun grazes Spyro's face as he emerges from his nights rest. Spyro yawns and stretches his body. Today was another day that he hope that he could persuade the guardian dragon, Ignitus to let him leave the temple and see what life had to offer him. It didn't take long for Spyro's morning thoughts to be interrupted.

"It's about time you got up." A mumble comes from the left of Spyro's ear

"Sparx, what are you doing up to early again?" Spyro shook his head.

Sparx gulps down the last bit of a butterfly he was munching on, " I couldn't miss your fourty seventh big day this year." Sparx dust the butterfly powder off his hands.

Spyro rolls his eyes. " Today is the big day, I'm sure of it!" Spyro steps his foot hard on the ground, determination filling his soul. He charges full speed to find Ignitus

"Where does he get all of this energy in the morning?!" Sparx trails behind Spyro.

"Ignitus, Ignitus!!" Spyro's excited calls echos throughout the temple.

"Woah there, Spyro." Terrador flies right in front of the purple dragon. "Ignitus is still sleep" 

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I wake him up five minutes early." 

"You mean an hour early." Terrador corrects. 

"But he's supposed to be training me again today"

"And he will, can't expect him to train you when he's not fully rested"

"He's got a point, Spyro" Sparx crosses his arms. "You haven't even had breakfast yet."

"Oh I haven't" Spyro smirks as he heads over to a life gem next to him and he hits it with all of his strength.

Sparx and Terrador watches as Spyro hits the gym vigorous.

"That felt good! I'm all fired up!" Spyro shouts, jumping in the air a few times. 

"That still doesn't change that Ignitus is still asleep." Terrador adds.

"Yeah Spyro, perhaps we should jump on mushrooms while we wait." 

Spyro lets out a sigh, giving in. "Fine, an hour will fly by anyway."

Sparx chuckles. "It's funny how time can fly, but you can't"

"Sparx" Terrador glares at Sparx.

"It's funny how you are going to be the rotten egg to the garden!" Spyro races out of the garden.

"Hey wait up!"

Spyro and Sparx jumps on the mushrooms to pass up time. To Spyro it still felt like the world was spinning slowly, He couldn't help but the stare at the glorious blue sky and the beautiful white clouds overhead. His heart yearned to get a feel of the clouds and to smell the fresh air. Spyro stops bouncing and lays on his back.

"I wonder how its like up there." Spyro lets out a peaceful sigh.

Sparx looks over to his brother, and lays next to him on his back. 

"I mean come on are you really missing anything not being able to fly? Sure you get clean air and see a bird or two you haven't seen before up there, but the ground has everything you need. Food, water, less hygienic air-." 

"Yeah, but being able to fly, to feel the wind coursing through your body, and to have liberated freedom. I can travel to other lands, go sight seeing and meet new people! Now that's an experience!" Spyro smiles, today he had a great feeling and he couldn't wait to show Ignitus what he was capable of.

Familiar footsteps came into the garden. Spyro perks up from the mushroom with glee filling his face. 

"Oh boy now this I gotta see" Spark smirks.

"Are you ready young dragon?"


Alright so this chapter is shorter than expecting but I haven't wrote a fanfiction in almost two years!! Never was I expecting to write a Spyro fanfiction, but I am glad that I am back to writing something. I already have the beginning of the outline for this story so expect more chapters. Thank you all so much for reading!! I'll catch you soon!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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