1 : Cruel Summer

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"I gotta tell you Meri," Bradley gasps at his surroundings as he walks up to the front doors of Buckingham Palace. "This place is amazing."

"I really think you should reconsider my offer for a day of free tourism courtesy of moi." Meredith says, holding her million dollar smile for the press stationed outside the door.

"You and I both know if we skipped, our parents would have our heads." Bradley smiles at a reporter who tries to catch his attention. Meri flashes a smile and waves to her as well and she sneers, turning away to her cameraman.

"That or they don't need America's bachelor getting swarmed by English girls again." She rolls her eyes, stepping inside.

"Or America's sweetheart getting swept up by an Englishman. Like Prince Jake who very much had his eye on you during the ceremony." Bradley says, causing her to laugh.

"The only thing Prince Jake was looking at was his reflection in whatever shiny surface he could find." Meri groans as one of the attendants leads them towards the end of a line.

"Wait here. The royals will enter first and then you may follow." The attendant walks away and Meri immediately glares at Bradley.

"See... if we went sightseeing, we could be drunk by now. Instead we're having to wait on the happy couple, the Princess and his royal pompous ass who is probably taking too long in the mirror."

"Well I'm glad my brother has made such a great impression on our friends across the pond."

Meri's attention immediately jumps to the blonde girl in front of her. "Your royal highness." Meri curtsies as soon as you see Princess Sienna standing in front of you.

"It's great to see you again, Merideth." She smiles at you. "And you must be Bradley."

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Princess." Bradley says, throwing on his usual charm.

"Yes, we missed you at the charity event a few months ago." Meri reminds Sienna of her last missed event.

"Well, you know how it is. Us girls being told where we can or can't go." Sienna chuckles softly. "I'll definitely be at the next one. I hope to talk soon, Bradley."

"Hopefully, very soon."

"And I'll keep my brother as far away as I can." Sienna smiles with a wink as she begins to walk into the ballroom.

"Thank you." Meri mouths, slowly following behind her as the other guests start to funnel in. "I'm getting a drink."

It was hours later when Bradley saw Meri again, drunkenly giggling while she spoke with a few other guests

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It was hours later when Bradley saw Meri again, drunkenly giggling while she spoke with a few other guests. Just as he's about to drag Meri out of there, a voice calls out behind him.

"Bradshaw, as I live and breathe."

"Jake, you look good."

"Well I am good, I'm very good." Jake winks, coming up to shake his friend's hand. "How's my favorite American?"

"We'll I'm here aren't I?" Bradley laughs.

"Where's your shadow?" Jake asks, looking around for Meri.

"Hiding from you. Dude you gotta make a change if she's ever going to give you a chance."

Jake blankly stares at Bradley. A change? Jake was enjoying how he lived his life. And Meri giving him a chance? After the way she treated him in the last few years, there was no chance. "She's just a challenge, Bradley,

"You better be careful." Bradley warns, "She's just over there." Jake smiles as he walks past, grabbing a glass from one of the servers as he makes his way over to you.

"Hello Meri." He says right next to her ear, Meri's contagious smile immediately dropping.


"I said you weren't allowed to call me that." Jake scowls, he hates it when people call him by his full name and Meri knows it all too well.

"And I said only my friends call me Meri. Looks like we're both disappointed." She growls. Meri bids the couple she was speaking to good night and turns to walk away from Jake.

"Oh come on. You can't even hold a conversation with me anymore?"

"No, and I'm not ever going to." Meri replies, slipping out into the hallway.

"Meri! Come on!" Meri stops suddenly, turning around to glare at Jake only to be met with him crashing into her, drink first.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Meri yelps as the cold liquid runs down her front, causing the dress to stick to her.

"Maybe you should have stopped to talk to me like a normal person." Jake laughs.

"Maybe you should learn to take no for an answer!" She shouts at him. "We're not friends, we most definitely are not acquaintances. And your unhealthy obsession with me needs to end cause I will never and I mean EVER be interested in you." Her eyes narrow on the blonde prince whose face still holds a smug smile. Meri goes to say something else when she spots Bradley shaking his head urging Meri to stop as she notices most of the guests staring at her and Jake. "Just leave me alone." Meri whispers before turning and walking away.

"Meri! Meri, wait!" Bradley calls, following her towards the entrance.

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