SEXUALITIES (Headcanons)

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Ada - (bi-curious)
I just think if she was flirted with by a girl she would definitely be interested.

Morella (pansexual)
I think she wouldn't mind her partners gender being anything.

Eulalie (pansexual)
I mean-
Do I need to explain myself?

Bernice (masc lesbian)
She was definitely a lesbian before she died. I feel like she gives off dominant mommy vibes.

Will (queer)
I don't think he'd like a label

He and Pluto def have chemistry
Pluto (bisexual)
Again he and duke def have chemistry

Montresor (bisexual)
He has definitely slept with a guy. I hate him. But I have to say. If he did sleep with a guy. He'd be a top.

Prospero (asexual panromantic demisexual)
He doesn't seem interested with anyone. Only people he knows really well. Also he wouldn't really care about what pronouns his partner would go by. Needless to say he'd respect them.

Miss Poppet (lesbian)
She and miss dolly seem like they have a ........teacher x nurse relationship.

Miss Dolly (lesbian)
Again said teacher x nurse relationship.

Anabel (bisexual but only attracted to fictional men)
How many of you dumbasses can relate to this?! Tell me the truth!

Lenore (masc lesbian)
(–_–) this bitch is canon gay. Not fanon gay.

Dean Mourn (bisexual or pansexual)
He's still questioning. Also wouldn't care about partners pronouns. Also would respect them.

Dean Merry (gay)
This bastard is 110% gay. The way he talks to Annabel gives off gay best friend vibes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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