Love At First Sight <3

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Caleb is a nerdy, tall, scrawny boy with an oval shaped face, baby barf green eyes, brown hair, and usually wearing a jean jacket(he sorta looks like John Lennon)

Caleb walked into his middle school on his first day of school and met two boys and he felt love at first sight. He stared at them with disbelief because they were so perfect and he quickly stumbled to class.

After he got to class he happened to glance over and there they were, Ezra and Landen. He mustered up enough courage to introduce himself but all that came out was nervous gibberish

Ezra: "Hey, are you ok?" He said with a concerned tone.
Caleb: "Y- Yeah, I'm f- fine."
Landen: "Hey nerd! Were you trying to introduce yourself?"
Caleb: "Y- Yeah, my name is Caleb. And y'all are?"
Ezra: "my name's Jaquavius!"
Landen: "No! His name is Ezra and my name is Landen!"

All of the sudden Mr. Easter bursts into the classroom, "WERE LATE! EVERYONE TAKE YOUR SEATS!" everyone immediately sits down

7th Grade Summer Where stories live. Discover now