School is something the twins never liked. It was always loud and there were too many people there. However, school was an escape. School was safer than home, the twins hated school but preferred to be at there over being at home with that man.

That was in the past though, now they were safe and preferred to be at home. Their teachers were nice but there was no point for the two to want to be there anymore, not when they had Nica and James at least.

The two sat in the back away from the students or the risk of being called on by the teacher, Nova fidgeted with the bandages on his arm. Nova had been in the kitchen while Nica was cooking and something came over him and he laid his his arm on the burner, or that's what Nixon said Nova had told him. Nixon places his hand on the others boy's hand and gently moves his hand away from the bandages.

"Don't mess with them," Nixon whispers, the door opens and another pair of boys walk in. The boys walk towards the back of the class and sit a few rows in front of the the twins.

Innes sets her bag down by her desk and sits a few rows from the front. Innes was worried, she was worried about Nova and Nixon, about Felix and Alice. They haven't been this far from each other for awhile, even if the twins were down the hall and Felix a couple floors up it still felt like she was father from her brothers then she actually was.

She wanted nothing more than to get up and walk out of the room and straight into her brothers classrooms and take them home, but she couldn't. She had to stay in class and not do anything to cause trouble. That didn't stop her from worrying though, no it just made it worse, but she could make it through the day.

'I could make it through the day, I can do this. Can Nova? Will Nova be okay? What if Nova gets hurt? What if Nixon get hurt o-or Felix? Alice?' Innes closes her eyes and lays her head down as she clentches her teeth.

Felix was fine. Felix sat next to a girl, who seemed nice, not that Fekix trusted the fact she seemed nice. He knew that just because someone seems like they are a good person doesn't mean they are.

Felix watched as the other students all laugh and talk with their friends, it wouldn't be long before Felix was doing those things either, after all Felix was a very social boy. He had no problem making friends, so it shouldn't be different this time. Only this time no one seemed intrested in talking with him, maybe they just didn't see him. Felix folds his hands in his lap and tries to make himself as small as possible, and for the first time in Felix's life he was scared to make friends. No. Not scared, Felix was terrified to make friends.

They make to the end of the day without any problems. Innes looks around and spots blonde hair, she hurries over to the boy and gently places a hand on his shoulder, "Felix," is the only thing she can say before her arms are filled with the boy's body.

"Oh Innes! I was so scared," Felix says although it comes out muffled as he burries his face in her shoulder. A pair of footsteps causes Innes to turn her head.

"There you two are," Innes says holding out an arm to the twins. Nova is quick to throw himself into her arms next to Felix. Nixon stands next to her as they wait for James. Nova has always been the touchy twin out of the two, not that anyone is complaining, of course. "Everyone okay? No trouble? No injures?" Innes asks as she pulls back and examines Felix. She examines the twins as well, "No new injuries?"

"No, we're okay," Nixon answers as Innes turns his head looking at his face. Innes steps back and nods, she places her arms around her brothers protectively. Nixon and Nova on her left and Felix on her right.

"Alright, James should be here soon with Alice," Innes says. Something csthes Felix's attention and he turns to look at a group of boys. They walk towards a woman, whose holding a little girl's hand. There's a set of boys, twins maybe, they both have a mask on which is a little odd- not that Felix is judging - one is using crutches while the other isn't.

"Innes! Felix! Bubbas! We're here!" Alice's voice brings Felix's attention back to his siblings. James and Alice had arrived to pick them up, Innes crouches down and checks Alice over as well.

"Let's go home, today was stressful," Innes says as her arms return around her brothers.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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