Announcement be for reading

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-The original author-

** Very important **

- This story is just a Fanfiction TCF to satisfy the needs and fancies of Cale-nim only. The author has no intention of distorting the content in any way. Please read it for entertainment purposes only.

- Be careful of spoilers, there are references to content until the end of the first part. (Ch.1-776+Side Story) It mix everything. Who hasn't read it yet or don't want to be spoiled. Then skip this fic.

- Cannon divergence AU / 00C

- There may be some use of impolite words for the sake of enjoyment.

- Update the story when free.


-The translator-

Welcome to the new translate fic. I probably publish this fic minimum 1 chapter per week. I can't publish it every day like 'The Enemies Become Brothers' fic.

I busy so I can't publish everyday.

And thank you for voting.

I got permission from the author of gis fic already. And after I got it, I came tell you guys first.

The chapter probably started publish next week.

So see you guys!!


I'm not the original author. I'm just translate it in to English.

The original author- liu.tianfeng

The website- readawrite

The original name fic- TCF/LCF Fanfiction | Why me..?


TCF/LCF Fanfiction | Why me..? (Eng ver.)Where stories live. Discover now