Family Road Trip- Part One

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(Sawyer Collins makes an appearance here- if you haven't finished the season, don't read this one yet if you don't want any spoilers!)

"Bryan, sweetie? Are you ready to go?" David called through he and his husband Bryan's bedroom door. He shook his sunglasses up his nose and bounced their sound-asleep baby, Sawyer, in his arms.

"Just a minute, David, I'm looking for my under eye concealer cream."

David rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile, "You know that Goldie and Shania are going to beat us to the hotel if you keep up at that rate, Bry."

After a few moments, Bryan Collins emerged from the bedroom in a tizzy, waving a small purple tube triumphantly, "Found it! Let's go, David."

David rolled his eyes once again, underneath his shades, "You're telling me to go," he murmured playfully, before trailing after his husband to the car.

David had to admit he felt a little hasty having Clay watch over Smelly, but Goldie reassured him that their old dog would be fine in her ex's clutches. Clutches, David frowned at the word choice as he recalled that conversation, carefully placing a one-year-old Sawyer into his baby seat in the back of their car.

After repeatedly making fart noises with his mouth to make Sawyer laugh- how David loved to make their baby boy laugh!- he shut the car door only to be greeted by a pair of keys jangling in his face.

Bryan smirked, his perfect teeth playing against his wonderful tan skin, "You're driving, Daddy David."

David chuckled and claimed the keys from his husband.

David reared out of the driveway, and Bryan adjusted his white and blue sunhat in the rear view mirror as the car hit the road. "First family road trip!" He hollered, shifting to peek at little Sawyer in the back, who looked at his father vaguely.

"Exciting, huh, my baby boy? You get to go on your first road trip with your Daddies! And your god mom Shania will be there, and Goldie..." Bryan cooed toward the backseat, but Sawyer was much too busy pawing at an overhead stuffed lion dangling from the plastic top of his baby seat.

David chuckled, keeping his eyes on the road, "Bry, I've come up with a nice 'dad' name for you just now."

"Oh, really?" Bryan questioned, grinning at his husband. He looked over his face for a bit, taking in all of David's handsome features- his amazing smile, his perfect skin, oh, and but that nose, though...

"Yeah, it's Baba Bry Bry."

"Baba Bry Bry?" Bryan laughed, "David please tell me that's a joke. That sounds like one of the bloated yet lovable rednecks on Duck Dynasty!"

"Well, you are lovable."

Bryan grinned at his husband, "I know."

"Then why am I telling you you're lovable then for, huh?"

"Because I love it when you compliment me."

David shook his head playfully and shot his eyes back to the road. Bryan put on a pouty face.

"Baba Bry Bry needs reassurance of his loveliness from his darling Daddy David." Bryan crooned, rubbing David's arm soothingly.

A smile played on David's lips, "That's enough for now, honey. Save it for the hotel."

In an hour or so, Sawyer dozed off again and the trio reached the highway.
"Great," David droned, "Traffic."

Bryan was too engrossed in his phone to notice anything David just said, "Yes, David I remembered to turn the dishwasher off."

"I'd say we have about," David rolled down the window and looked over the traffic ahead of them... Like an endless river of multicolored metal, "Two hours of traffic ahead of us if we continue down this highway."

Bryan's face contorted in confusion and he clicked his phone off. "Sorry babe I can't focus on what you're saying when I'm hungry."

David quickly shot his husband a look, but brushed it off easily, "Well there's a fast food complex about a mile off the highway... I guess we could stop there and grab some lunch until the traffic clears up." He suggested.

"Ooh, yes! You're filled with good ideas, sweetie."

David swerved the car off the highway and passed a large, rectangular sign with a few restaurant names plastered onto it, followed by a large white arrow pointing to the left.

"I know, Bry, I know."

(This story is dedicated to UniqueTwists ! She writes the best fan fictions, and inspired me to write a New Normal fanfic :) You rock! Thank you for being such an amazing writing inspiration, and making me smile with your fan fictions! Keep being fantabulous!)

(This was part one, to be continued!)

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