Chapter 3: A new home and friend

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This different voice caused the children to stop and turn around once more.
There they saw another young girl, around their age; she stood beside the man that chased them earlier.

"Sorry if we scarred you" she politely apologised.

She was clearly a well groomed girl from a wealthy family.
She wore a flowing white dress, adorn in elegant gold jewellery.

"Who are you?" Bakura boldly asked.
"My name is Safiya" she responded and advanced towards them.
"What happened to your village?" she added as she looked around.
"We were attacked by an army of strangers dressed in black" Malik explained.

Safiya's eyes softened and she gasped in horror.

"T...that's horrible, but, but you cannot stay here. Please come with us to the Upper Kingdom City. There you will be safe" Safiya offered.

Bakura however was rather skeptical.

"But why would you do this for us?" he scoffed.
"Not everyone is heartless, also it would not be right to abandon you all here among these ruins. You can ride my horse" she replied and pointed to a cream horse.

The young girl seemed genuinely kind, and appeared as though she wanted to help them indeed.

"So will you come?" she asked.

Bakura took one more look around at the burnt village and sadly sighed.

"Very well" he responded.

Malik and Anzu also agreed, realising they had next to no other option.
The man that was accompanying Safiya appeared to be her guardian, carefully he helped the three children onto the horse.
He then picked up Safiya and she shared his horse, once ready, they proceeded on their way to the Upper Kingdom.

The journey was mostly silent with the odd small talk in between.

"Safiya, I'm hungry" Anzu called out, half-way thought their venture.
"There's some bread in the bag hanging on the side, please help yourself" Safiya called back.
"Thank you" Bakura gratefully said.

An hour after eating, they had finally arrived.
Once through the city entrance, the three children were in awe.

"Wow, this City is incredible" Malik gasped in amazement.

As they went further into the City, many people began to come out into the open and gathered at the edge of the streets.

"Let's stop here" Safiya said to her guardian.

With a motion of the reins and his free hand, both the horses stopped.
Safiya was then helped down from the horse, as were the other children.

"Citizens of the Upper Kingdom" the guardian called out.

The people them came in closer.

"Hello people, I asked if any of you would have the heart and kindness to help my friends. They have suffered a great injustice, I hope someone would take it upon themselves to take in my friends and look after them" Safiya bravely asked.

Then a young couple stepped forward.
They were fairly well dressed and from a higher class within the city.
With a smile they offered to take in Malik and raise him as their own, both had light brown eyes and worse black headdresses, similar to those who served at the Palace.

Gently, they lead Malik away and towards the Palace.
All who remained was Bakura and Anzu.
Then another young couple came forward and offered their home to both children.

"We don't have a great deal, but we have enough to feed the four of us the man politely offered.

Unknown by many people. Hassan and Kaur had been trying to have children for years, but to no avail.

Young Safita smiled.

"May the Gods bless you for your kindness" she sweetly said.

Before leaving Safiya approached Bakura and Anzu, and hugged them tightly.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you, but I hope you will be happy here. I'll see you again soon" she said.
"Thank you Safiya, you're very kind" Bakura praised her.

With that Safiya mounted her white horse and she waved goodbye as she and her guardian rode away to the Palace.
Bakura sighed and smiled at her as she went.
The young couple then escorted Bakura and Anzu away to their house.
It was a common stone dwelling with everything spaciously separated into at least four rooms.

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