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The next week fell into a seemingly unchanging routine, and I couldn't deny that it was exactly what I needed. It was as if time had been stretched and reshaped within the walls of Oak Alley Plantation.

Each morning, the high priestess would guide me to a small chamber filled with the heavy scent of herbs and incense. Inside, I'd be enveloped in a soothing sauna, the steam infused with mystical herbs meant to cleanse and rejuvenate my body and soul. The experience was both physical and spiritual, purging any lingering traces of darkness from my body.

Emerging from the sauna, I felt invigorated and ready to face the day's challenges. That's when Lucien would step in, a tall and enigmatic presence. He'd lead me through a series of gentle yet purposeful activities designed to help me regain my full strength, particularly when it came to my walking. We'd spend an hour or more together, his guidance patient and unwavering.

Lucien's methods were unconventional yet effective, and I couldn't help but admire his dedication to my well-being

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Lucien's methods were unconventional yet effective, and I couldn't help but admire his dedication to my well-being. He seemed to have an innate understanding of my needs, and the exercises he prescribed were tailored to my progress.

In the softly lit chamber, I'd sit across from Lucien as he spoke with a calm, reassuring tone. "Letavia, remember that your body has an incredible capacity to heal. We're just helping it along its path."

He'd guide me through breathing exercises, his voice a soothing presence. "Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, feel the tension release from your muscles. Allow yourself to surrender to the healing energy."

Our conversations often turned philosophical as well. "Magic is the interplay between intention and energy," Lucien would say. "It's not just about spells and rituals but understanding the essence of life itself."

After my session with Lucien, it was time to visit Joseph, whose culinary talents took on an otherworldly quality. He prepared a series of unique smoothies and juices, each concoction brimming with exotic ingredients and flavors that were both delightful and strangely comforting. They were designed to nourish not just my body but my very essence, and I couldn't help but feel the rejuvenating effects.

In the cozy kitchen, Joseph would present me with a vibrant, freshly blended smoothie. "This one's infused with the essence of tropical fruits and herbs," he'd explain. "It not only nourishes your body but your spirit as well."

As we shared these unusual concoctions, Joseph delved into the mystical side of our journey. "Letavia, Oak Alley has secrets that reach back through centuries. We're here to protect its legacy and the magic it holds."

He'd often speak of the interconnectedness of all things. "The world is a tapestry of energy," he'd muse. "Every action and intention weaves a thread into that tapestry, creating ripples that affect us all."

Our conversations during these moments were a blend of mysticism and reality

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Our conversations during these moments were a blend of mysticism and reality. Joseph would share tidbits of wisdom and insight into the magic that surrounded us, and I found myself hanging on his every word. The connection I felt with him was undeniable, as if our fates were intertwined in ways I was only beginning to comprehend.

As the days passed in this routine, I couldn't help but marvel at the transformation taking place within me. I felt thoroughly cleansed and refreshed, it's strange how all of this in some way had a connection to the dream. I mean what are the odds that the darkness would chase me all the way to the doorsteps of this home. It's strange, now that I think about it. How did the owner of the bookstore who provided me with this tainted cabin know so much about these brothers? I just doesn't make sense, it's almost as if he was playing a double role in this weird ass game.

I hated the fact that I couldn't really get myself healed faster, if it was up to me I'd by up and running. I just honestly feel like it's for the best, maybe I need to be slowed down and humbled by the most high to find some sense in all of this. I wish this man had the guts to simply give me one drop of his blood. That is all I truly need from him. His pride is getting in the way and I cant help but feel like I should humble him myself. But I don't even have the strength to do that right now.

I may end up doing it way down the line when I'm in a better position than I currently am in right now. I just wish he would get the job done and simply mark me as his one and only mate. That way I can get my little bit of freedom and he can get his second chance at life. I feel like it's a very fair deal. Nothing more and nothing less.

I wouldn't even bitch about him having concubines. So long as I get the chance to live my life the way I want to. On some remote island, surfing, and shooting bow and arrows. I wanna do the things that truly brings me peace in the midst of this weird chaotic world I find myself currently immersed in.

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