The Reunion

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Geri's POV

"Ger common! Your going to be late for dinner! I have to drop you off and then go get Bluebell from her friends house." Christian yelled up the stairs.

"I would be more quick to get ready if you would tell me where were going." I said annoyingly

"You will find out once were there now COMMON!" Christian yelled once again

"Fine! I'm ready." I said

Victoria's POV

"Now David please, if we are going to be in the car this long AND we went to all of the trouble to find a babysitter for the boys, you can at least tell me where we are going." I whined

"Sweetie you will just have to wait and see." David said

"Please tell me it isn't one of those sweaty soccer dinners." I said

"Vic please. After the last one, I hope you know that you won't have to go to any more." David said

"Thank god! That was horrible!" I said. I decided to not argue with David about where we are going anymore because it wasn't going to go anywhere so I might as well get some sleep. 

Mel B's POV

Stephan, the girls and I were in the car going to who knows where and we were all having a karaoke session to the radio. 


-ok thats enough of that! I yelled. "After all, Madison is still only 3 and does not need to be hearing these songs just yet. 

"PARTY POOPER" yelled Phoenix and Angel

"Calm down girls, I'll just change the station." 

(Radio Announcer) "While we haven't heard from these girls in a while, we still haven't forgotten about them. Please turn up the music and if you want to send in a request just, TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT" and out blasts the famous Scary spices voice. 

"Oh god no!" I exclaimed 

"Haha it's almost like it was fate." winked Stephan

"What are you talking about? Seriously, what's going on?" I said as we pulled into a cute house that I didn't recognize. 

"You will see in a hot second." Stephan said.

As I got out of the car I said "Jeez Stephan I love you but your so weird."

I turned around only to see two girls charging at me.

"MELANIE" they screamed

"Oh my god! I cannot believe it!" I said as I grabbed the girls. 

We all fell onto the grass and my eyes immediately welled up. I turned to Stephan. "I cannot believe you didn't tell me about this." Then I turned to the girls, took one look into their eyes and burst into tears. "I missed you girls so much you have no idea." I cried. 

"Aw love we missed you too!" Emma said as she pulled me into a tight hug. 

"I cannot believe how long it has been" Melanie said as she took our hands and she pulled us both into her arms. 

It felt so good to be back with my friends again.

Victoria's POV

As we pulled into the unfamiliar driveway, I saw a group of some sobbing girls sitting on the lawn. As they turned around to the car, I gasped at who I saw. David stopped the car and I jumped out, tears in my eyes and leapt into the circle. 

"Oh wow! It's been to damn long" I sobbed "You girls mean everything to me and when we stopped talking, I was devastated."

Emma came over and held my hand. "Vic it's ok. That's never going to happen again. We love you way to much. " 

"Thanks Em. Wow, I really needed this" I said as all of the girls came around to hug me. 

"You know what we should do?" Melanie C said, "We should wait for Geri in the house and surprise her all together."

"That sounds great!" Mel B said

Emma's POV

We were all waiting in the kitchen, looking out the window for Geri to come. Finally after what seemed like forever, a black minivan pulled into the driveway. 

"You girls wait here, I'll go get Geri." I said. 

Butterflies started to build up in my stomach. I haven't seen my best friend in years and she is right outside my house, completely unaware of what's going to happen. Geri knocked and I opened the door.

"Hey Ger" I said quietly "I missed ya."

"Oh My God" Geri said softly before bursting into tears and running into my arms.

She sobbed in my arms for what seemed like forever. I didn't want to let go of her but I knew that there were 4 other surprises waiting for her in the kitchen. 

"Geri common into the kitchen." I said as I took her hand.

"Why?" she asked "Can't we just stay here?" 

"Nooooooooo we have to go to the kitchen." I said as I pulled her along.

I opened the kitchen doors. Geri gasped at what she saw. I did too even though I knew what was coming. Mel C, Mel B and Vic were all standing by the table waiting for Geri. Geri broke down again and all of the girls came to hug her and after a while, we were all crying. We were all silent until Victoria finally spoke up.

"Oh my god, it's so good to have my best friends back again." Victoria said.

"I love you all way too much to ever loose you again." Mel B added.

"Hey girls, I know that we have been through a lot together and by ourselves but I will always know that we will always be here for each other no matter what. We will always be friends." Emma said

"Forever" Melanie C said as she grabbed our hands

"And always" Geri said before pulling us all into one huge group hug like old times. 

We held each other for a while and cried. They were happy tears of course because we knew that we were back together as friends for good this time.

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