Aurelia *a week later*

  It was the first day of school. Kai is still adapting to me, which is weird to say that since he isn't an animal.
  So far, I've learned two things about London: it's beautiful, and it has a lot of traffic jams. I wasn't used to that much traffic, since I lived in freaking Berkeley.
  The week passed in a blur, and I was already doing my makeup for school. "Oo, I like your makeup Aur, nice work with the highlighter!" Jolie said, putting on her lip gloss.
  "Thank you. I wanted to look good- since this is a new school, new environment, new people. You have to be ready for another beginning stage in this big ass circle that we call life." I said zipping up my makeup bag.
  "Aur, you sound like a fortune cookie!" Jolie turned around, pacing in her Mary James.
  Another fact that I learned about London: the weather is shitty here. Like Jolie is wearing fucking Mary Janes in early September.
  "Adrian you can't have my car for practice today since I am going to get my braces taken off!"Jolie said happily, making sure that her trench coat has no wrinkles.
  "Kai! I need you to drive me to practice!" Adrian called out from the kitchen, eating a weirdly looking protein shake.
  "Fine." Kayden replied coldly. Cold was the word to describe his whole personality, but I understand what Naomi saw in him. He had dark hair, like the darkest part of the night that was always styled perfectly. He had dark eyes that could tell a million stories just by staring at them. Kayden had a perfect body that looked like a statue for a Roman God- that fact fits him perfectly because he is half italian. When I met him, he was the coldest he could be with his looks and bitter remarks. I don't know about him all that much, since he doesn't want to open up, but Naomi said that he is a freaking baby, since he has to adapt to new people.
  "Good morning Aurelia. Perhaps some coffee?" A British accent tickled my ear. I realised in matter of seconds that Hero was behind me. He plopped himself next to me on the sofa.
  He was wearing a white tee that was clinging to his body, and damn grey sweatpants.
  "Morning. Why are you dressed like that? Doesn't the school have dress code? Like no sweatpants or something?" I asked him, staring straight ahead at the "Diary of the Wimpy Kid" on the shelf like it's the most entertaining thing in the whole fucking world.
  That is right, be cold just like Kai. Aurelia Calista Cold Gataki (that sound rich because of the four names).
  "Why 'Morning' instead of 'Good morning' Gataki? And yeah, I have a rugby practice first period. I'll change though for other classes."
  "It would be a good morning," I spat out. "if I didn't have to see your face." I got up and started putting on my loafers.
  Jolie shouts at us, opening the door. "Aurelia and Naomi, I'll drive us to the first building since we all have Latin this period."

  First period- Latin- was weird, not only because of uncomfortable stares from strangers that I am supposed to call my classmates, but also because of the constant eating from Ms. Walter. I couldn't focus on the freaking Latin written on the board because of the constant chewing and choking on hard candy and patties.
  Jolie told me that they call her Walter Wanker, which I realised that meant "Walter Idiot" in a British slang.
  I was on break, sitting with Naomi and Jolie. They gossiped, of course, giving me the backstories on the main tea. Jolie seemed more into the gossip than Naomi, judging by her lack of eye contact. Whenever she wasn't that much interested in certain topics that were discussed about, she would avoid eye contact.
  "I am telling you I literally saw Sienna and Kai kissing!" Jolie was eating Sour Patch Kids- something that Naomie begged me to bring them from the States.
  "No way Joy!" She looked Jolie straight in the eyes. That's how you get attention from Naomi Zhao.
  "Ask him yourself Nai, I literally see them coming." I told her, staring at the three figures that were walking towards us.
  "Kayden, were you really kissing Sienna J in the biology lab?" Jolie asked Kayden who just sat down.
   "Uh... yes I was." Kayden said without hesitation.
   "Bob's your uncle!" Jolie pointed at Naomi, who seemed upset. One thing I learned about Naomi is that she doesn't like to be acknowledged when she is upset or crying. "What the fuck?" Naomi and I said at the same time. "It means "There you go" in British slang."
   Adrian opened a granola bar, offering Hero a bite. Hero politely declined. I mean I would too if I was offered a granola bar that looked like it belonged in trash.
  The bell ringed. "Our five minute freedom is over. What do you guys have now?" Naomi asked Adrian, Kayden and Hero.
  "History." They replied in harmony. "I have biology" Jolie happily replied.
  "Our little marine biologist named Joy" Adrian started tickling Jolie. Their hight difference was big because Jolie is 4'11 (she is shorter then Naomi!) and Adrian is basically a giant with his 6'5 frame of muscle and perfection (quoting Jolie).

  ~ When I sat down next to Naomi in history class, the atmosphere seemed chilled. People calmly sat on desks and chatted, waiting patiently for the teacher to come. This wouldn't be the case in my old high school; if we waited even five minutes for the teacher to come, my ex-classmates would throw a party in the classroom. One time, a guy from my class brought a toster and sandwich ingredients. They made roasted sandwiches in the back of the class.
  "The teacher- Mr. N- is my favourite professor here. Like it's so easy to get A's. One time, Adrian said only two sentences and he gave him a B!" Naomi whispered in my ear. "Oh, here he is."
   "Speak of the devil." I murmured, getting my books out. "Hello children! I see a new student here in the back of the class, come and stand up and tell me your name." He requested.
  "Hello, sir. My name is Aurelia Gataki." I said, getting a few head turns.
  "That is Greek?" He asked me, smiling.
  He was a grandpa- he was also Xhinese if I was correct. If I didn't have him as my teacher and I saw him on a random street, I would call him a cute old man. He even has dimples when he smiles!
   "Yes. I am Greek. Both of my parents are." I gave him a polite smile. "That is nice," He says. "are you good at history miss Gataki?"
   "If you consider good at history being the overall winner of every history competition in the United States of America, then yes I am good." I said.
   "Bilmey! I guess you have an academic rival, Hero." He chuckled, writing something in his book.
  "I guess I do have an academic rival." Hero stressed.
  I got out of the classroom, making sure that Hero isn't behind me. The last thing I need is a bigmouthed egoist. I didn't bother turning around when I started walking throughout the hallway. My backpack itched my back. I turned my head around and found Hero walking towards me.
  "What the fuck was that?" Hero kept his pace up.
  "What?" I seemed delusional.
  Yeah, a straight A student is delusional, great work Gataki.
  "The whole I am the best speech?" Hero rolled his eyes.
   "Just stating the truth. I guess your glory days are over. You know what they say- God created man first because there is always a rough draft before a masterpiece." I scoffed.
  Hero started, "Naomi is such a good friend, I don't know how she keeps up with this shit. If a person would have to choose between you two-" I cut him off. "If you treat me like an option, I'll leave you as a chose." I gave him a sarcastic smile, making him scoff.
  "Oh please, spare me the "I am though part" smart ass."
  "Judge me when you are perfect, Harris." I flipped my hair at him, as a good bye of course. Make every hair flip count.
  I ignored Hero the entire day. Not because I was avoiding him of course, but because I couldn't stand him. Like who comes up and starts talking nonsense to your face after you stated a fact?
  I unlocked the door, finding myself alone in the small living room. All of the sudden, my friends come in with grocery bags.
  "Aurelia, we won't leave that unfinished." Hero said, putting some of the bags down.
  "Okay. Are you best at every subject in this school?" I asked him, seeing the weird expression on his face.
  "Yeah, why?"
  "Consider yourself now second place." I snickered. His brows furrowed. "Why do you always act like this? You don't think that you will be the queen. You know there is no queen without a king?"
  "Are we forcing gender roles here? What is a queen without a king? Well, historically speaking, more powerful."
  "Are you two fighting again?" Kayden asked. "Are you on your period forcing your anger on poor Hero?"
"Do you want a high five with a chair in the face from Aurelia?" Naomi rolled her eyes. "Women have rights to be angry when they are not on their period Kai!" I exclaim.

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