Chapter 3: Intruder

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After investigating, the robber or robbers stole all her bras and underwear. "They stole my cute matching pair!" Ariana thought. "We usually don't get those kinds of thieves often. Who was the first person to enter this room?" The officer asked. "Sora." Ariana answered and looked at him and saw that he was on the phone. "No, I told you! I'm working! Honest! Why would I lie to you, Hana?" Sora asked. "Are you freaking kidding me with this shit?! Let's just face it... He has a freaking harem!" Ariana thought. "...He's seems busy. We'll speak to him later." The officer said. "I can speak now!" Sora said. "Oh? You're done now?" Ariana asked. "I'll call her back later." Sora said. "Unfrigginbelievable!" Ariana thought.

Him and the officer were discussing the situation. She opened the door and went through her valuables. "Thank god nothing important was stolen, but... I don't have any bras or underwear!" Ariana thought. "Hey. You looked worried there." Kaiji said behind her.

She spun around, holding her chest in surprise. "What are you doing here, Kaiji?!" Ariana asked. "Sora asked me to come. I heard that something odd happened and I wanted to check it out." Kaiji said. "Kaiji! You came!" Sora said coming over. "Yeah, but I have work to do. Can I go back to it ASAP?" Kaiji asked. "Sure..." Ariana answered.

Sora's phone began to ring again and he picked up. "Hana?" Sora asked. "Get off the damn phone!" Ariana thought. "I'm really sorry! I'm getting bad reception here. I'm getting cut off." Sora said. "There's great reception here! He's doing that shit on purpose!" Ariana thought shaking her head. "You ok? You just zoned out." Kaiji said. "There's a difference between zoning out and thinking!" Ariana said. "I just asked if you were ok. No need to get all feisty." Kaiji said. "I'm not feisty!" Ariana exclaimed. "But anyway... You're really in some serious trouble." Kaiji said. "You don't say?" Ariana asked. "You haven't changed a bit, have you?" Kaiji asked. "What do you mean by that?" Ariana asked. "I thought you would've grown up in the last ten years but you still blurt out things and you're easy to read." Kaiji said. "Is that a bad thing?" Ariana asked. "For me it isn't. I never have to wonder if you're ok or not, but for you it is bad. Women are supposed to be at least a little mysterious." Kaiji said. "Are you saying that I'm not attractive?!" Ariana exclaimed. "Well... Does Sora find you attractive?" Kaiji asked. "WHA?! What does he got to do with all of this?!" Ariana asked. "I'm only asking you if he tried to pull anything on you." Kaiji said. "That's a big fat N-O!" Ariana exclaimed. "My point exactly." Kaiji said. "What?!" Ariana exclaimed. "You have no mystery. Otherwise, Sora would've found you attractive and would've hit on you by now." Kaiji said. "Well I don't want him to hit on me!" Ariana exclaimed. "Sorry... That came out wrong. I've just been worried is all." Kaiji said. "Worried about what?" Ariana asked. "About Sora... He would die of boredom hanging around you all the time!" Kaiji said and busted out laughing. "Kaiji!!!" Ariana exclaimed.

"I had enough of this!" Sora said. "What is it?" Kaiji asked. "Hana's not letting this go... I guess I've been neglecting her in the bedroom recently." Sora said. She looked down, trying to avoid their conversation. "Why don't you go today?" Kaiji asked. "I guess I could... I mean her house is close by here anyways!" Sora said. "Oh my god..." Ariana said face palming herself and sighed. "What's the matter, Ariana?" Sora asked. "Oh, nothing." Ariana said. "What's up?" Kaiji asked. "I said nothing! Also... I need to ask about something..." Ariana said blushing. "What is it?" Sora asked. "I want to go to the mall right now." Ariana said. "Now?" Sora asked. "Yeah... I need new... Bras and panties..." Ariana said and looked down. "Oh... I see..." Sora said. "Is that alright? It's just down the street." Ariana said. "It'll be hard to protect you there. There's a lot of people." Kaiji said. "Well... You see... They stole ALL of my bras and underwear." Ariana said. "Oh! I could ask Hana!" Sora said. "Uh..." Ariana stuttered. "Are you worrying about what color you want? Girls are so ridiculous." Kaiji said. "That's not the case here!" Ariana exclaimed. "Then what? Spit it out!" Kaiji said. "The... Size..." Ariana said blushing. "HUH?!" Kaiji exclaimed. "Yeah... I'm just a teensy bit embarrassed to say what size I am... Don't you dare laugh or else..." Ariana said. "The size?! Seriously?!" Kaiji exclaimed. "Oh, Kaiji... You're so insensitive. It's no wonder you can't get a girlfriend." Sora said. "S-Shut up!" Kaiji said blushing.

Sora's phone began to ring again and he picked up. "Hello?... HUH?! What do you mean the female bodyguard can't come tonight?!" Sora asked. "At the moment, it's just Kaiji and I... WHAT?!" 

"Don't tell me..." Ariana thought. "Understood. I'll let you know what's been decided." Sora said and hung up. "What's going on? The female bodyguard can't make it tonight?" Kaiji asked. "Yeah, something urgent came up." Sora said. "Oh... That's bad." Kaiji said. "That means either me or Kaiji will have to stay here tonight." Sora said. "I've got so much to do though! I don't have time to babysit!" Kaiji said. "And I have a date tonight... She might kill me if I skipped out on her again." Sora said. "Well... I guess if I'm forced to... I guess I have no choice." Kaiji said. "We'll let Ariana decide. Who do you want to stay here?" Sora asked. "Kaiji, since you don't want to miss your 'date'." Ariana said. "WHAT?!" Sora exclaimed. "Jeez Sora... You look more depressed than I thought you would be." Kaiji said. "I'm supposed to be her personal bodyguard! Why would she choose you..?" Sora asked. "He's my cousin and like I said... I'm sure you don't want to miss your date with this girly friend of yours." Ariana said.

Kaiji's phone began to ring and he picked up and walked away. He came back shortly after. "Sorry. I've been called to another problem." Kaiji said. "So you won't be able to stay?" Ariana asked. "Nope. I'll have to ask Sora to stand in for me." Kaiji said. "Understood..." Ariana said. "I wanted to catch up with him, but I guess that could be saved for another day." Ariana thought. "WHAAA?!" Sora exclaimed. "What is it this time?!" Kaiji asked. "I had plans with Hana-" Sora said. "You have work to do!" Kaiji said and left the room.

"Right. I'll just be here." Sora said. "Sure..." Ariana said. "If you're feeling down and want a hug, I'll be here!" Sora said. "I'll pass..." Ariana said. "Come on! I was only kidding! But... Maybe you want me to sing you a lullaby?" Sora asked. "GOOD NIGHT BYE!" Ariana exclaimed. "Haha! Sweet dreams, Ariana." Sora said and left the room.

As soon as she heard the door close, she threw herself on the bed. "That guy is just..." Ariana mumbled turning off her lamp and closed her eyes.

Soon after, she heard the door open. Her eyes shot open and she hid under her blanket. "Ariana, it's-" Sora said. She screamed and slapped him on instinct. "OW! What was that for?!" Sora asked. "What the hell are you doing in my bed?!" Ariana exclaimed. "Be quiet! Someone's out on the balcony." Sora said. "Huh?!" Ariana exclaimed. "You need to be quiet. Listen..." Sora said.

There was the sound of someone trying to come in. "I think the intruder is looking for a way in through the window." Sora said. "That's great! That's real great!" Ariana said. "Listen to me! Get under the bed and hide! HQ is on the way, but the intruder might come in before they arrive." Sora said. "What about you? What are you going to do?" Ariana asked. "I'm going to take your place." Sora said. "Huh?!" Ariana exclaimed and he clamped his hand over her mouth. "Don't shout. It'll look weird if no one is on the bed." Sora said.

She forced his hand off her hand. "You could get hurt!" Ariana exclaimed. "I'll be fine! I'm a pro after all! I'm also your bodyguard and I promised that I'll look after you. If something does happen, whatever you do... Don't come out from under the bed. Got it?" Sora asked. "Ok..." Ariana said. "Just come out when backup comes." Sora said and kissed her forehead. "What was that..?" Ariana thought. "Go under the bed. I'll be fine, promise." Sora said. She nodded and slid under the bed.

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