"Oh Kemical!"

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(Normal POV)

Smiles walked through the room slowly as she admired the glass cases. Most had tiny bottle ships that were stuck in bottles. "Whoah, glass case, glass bottle, what a double whammy!" She said as she thought about breaking the glass. She heard voices behind the closed entrance. "Dammit!" She whispered as they entered the room and she hid behind a wooden column.

She crawled around stealthily as they small talked. Once she was out the door she found herself in a bar section of the place. The bar was completely empty besides the bar tender. "Oh hello! Sorry I'm just walking through here..." She said walking past the bar stools.
"Ey whatever I'm just trying to read anyway" he said in a British tone.

"Hey, your voice sounds funny...like an old chap eh! Hahaha!" She said mocking his accent, badly. "Oh please, you gonna walk through here or what?"
"Yes I am thanks...oh! Here!" She said reaching in her back pocket and dropping a few pennies and nickels on the bar counter.
"Oi, thanks girl. I don't get much tips around here. Unless you include getting pissed on emotionally" he said putting his paper down and collecting the change. She pointed her baseball bat at his head before he could looks back up at her.
"Now you tell me...where are they keepin that Kemical guy?" She said calmly.

"Uh, I don't know-"
"Don't give me that bull crap buddy! Tell me where before your head hits the dart board!" She said easing her voice. The bartender shook in fear as he gave in.
"Alright alright! All I know is that he's on the basement level! That's all I know I swear!" The middle aged man said trying not to panic as one rusty nail barley brushed his head.
"Okay thanks! You can keep that tip, govna!" Smiles said mockin his accent for a second time. She skipped out of the room leaving him relieved and clueless about what just happened.

"Hey! You can't be down here!"
"Put your hands up missy! I don't care who you are or if the boss is expecting ya!" The two henchmen at the door said. They're in charge of making sure no one got into the room Kemical was being held in, that is UNTIL Black Mask or Obsidian said otherwise.
"Oh C'mon boys, give a gal a break...maybe I could do the same for you two?" Smiles said as she slipped off her short purple jacket exposing the soft, creamy skin around her shoulders only slightly covered by her white, cut tank top straps. Her hips swaying and her bat was thrown off to the side as she approached the men from the shadows. Her lower lip partially bit by her upper one, smearing some of her black lipstick onto her white teeth.

"Hands up!"
"How about pants down? Hahahaha!" Smiles said giggling.
"We're not fallin for your tricks clown! Hands up and shut up! Go get the boss upstairs-"
"I'm on it" the second henchmen said as he made his way past Smiles. Before he could go anywhere she grabbed him by his shirt and licked the said of his face.
As he flinched back quickly she took his gun and pulled him in front of her. Bullets showered on him as the first henchmen a gun was cleaned out.

"Oh son of a bi-" he said before Smiles jump-kicked him into the brick wall, nearly cracking his head open. Smiles put her jacket back on and stood over the knocked out henchmen.
"Nobody can do anything the easy way can they?" She said before pushing the heavy metal doors open. She felt for a light switch on the wall only to find one seconds later. As the lights flickered on a wide grin spread across her face.

The room wasn't too small nor too big. It had red bricked walls and a gray cement floor just like the rest of the basement. Weapons Kaye's along the walls either shelves or hooks, from metal/wooden bats to knives, both bug and small, to cuffs, to ropes, to packs of cigarettes with plenty of lighters and matches to light one up. And even small cans of gasoline sat in a corner. This was clearly the room where Black Mask and his son would have fun with their enemies or a trader worker.

Smiles took it all in at once, she almost had never seen anything so violent, and yet so perfectly organized. Her head turned for her to see a knocked out Kemical in a glass box almost too small for him. He was lying down and a small mask covered his nose and mouth.
The mask was attached to a tube which led to a big tank with a sleepy face on it. This was clearly a knock out spray that would keep him from going anywhere.

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