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24th May, 2015.

11:47pm. The exact time we met.

I remember this because it's not exactly easy to forget. It was my first highschool party, and I was sixteen. It was my seventeenth birthday the next day, so of course I was freaking out throughout the whole party. My best friend and I always made a massive deal about the number seventeen, so the fact that I'd actually be our favourite number the next day was a big event for the both of us. She was already seventeen, but that isn't really too relevant to the story.

I remember sitting in my room while the radio blared some of our favourite music, while she scavenged through my closet as though she was on some sort of mission. I sat on my bed with my head leaned back, staring at the posters on my ceiling of my childhood crushes that I'd never taken down. God, Taylor Lautner. He certainly was something.

"What about this?" Alyssa asked, holding up some flared jeans with a white cropped tee with a floral pattern that she'd found, and I shook my head. "Oh come on, M. This is the fifth thing I've picked out for you."

"Pick again." I told her with a smile, and she rolled her eyes and lazily held up her middle finger to me as she continued searching.

I'm not the pickiest person in the world, but that night I was feeling extra picky. It was my last night being sixteen and no doubt we'd be at the party when I turned seventeen, so I had to go out with a bang.

Quite literally a bang.

The whole point of this party was to get me fucked on my seventeenth birthday, literally when I turned seventeen. My goal set by Alyssa was to pick out some random guy, and then get his attention for enough time for him to want to fuck me when I turn seventeen. It sounds very stupid, I know, but it was what we'd thought was a good idea when we were fourteen, and that was what we were going ahead with. No one knew about it so therefore no one could try to stop us. It was pretty much foolproof.

The party's going to be filled to the brim with people. A perfect amount of people for me to be able to choose one person who I'd let fuck me on my birthday. Maybe this was the most stupid way to lose my virginity, but we thought that maybe it would also be a fun way as well as a reckless one. And if no one of any significance knew of this plan, then how could I get a lecture on how bad it was? I couldn't. It was simple.

Thankfully, most people stayed in dorms at this school. It was a little weird for a high school, but it was more of a private school. I remember the uniform vividly, but obviously there would be no uniform tonight. It was a party. We could wear whatever the hell we wanted and no one would bat an eye. That was why I had to get Alyssa to pick out a nice looking outfit for me. I couldn't go into this looking silly. That wouldn't get our birthday wish for me fulfilled.

"This?" She eventually spoke up again, and yet again I shook my head. "You're so fucking fussy." She muttered, shaking her head and continuing to search through my closet.

I tutted and took that as a hint to get out of bed and help her, and I playfully shoved her out of the way to look through my closet.

I had too many clothes– lots that I didn't wear anymore, lots I'd never worn before and didn't want to wear now, and some cute things. I desperately needed to go clothes shopping again, but I never had the time. I was always so caught up in hanging about with Alyssa doing nothing or putting my head down and getting on with school. No time for clothes during either of those things.

"This is nice." Alyssa stated, pulling out a plaid skirt. I considered her choice for a moment, long enough to get her hopes up, but even I shook my head. "Seriously?"

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