Part 1

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"Fix your grip."

Chris grunted and readjusted his hands on the bar.

"You're gonna strain your back with that posture."

Chris scoffed and dropped the bar to the gym floor. "This is pointless."

"What is? The rut you're in, or your workout routine?"

"Shut up, I don't need your snide comments." Chris laughed.

Changbin smacked his back. "The Wolf of Stay Street is feeling weak, and I'm not allowed to laugh?"

"You're not. I'm still your Hyung, show some respect." Chris joked.

Changbin easily lifted up the bar and made a smug look at Chris, before setting it back on a rack. "You wish you were as tough as me, bro." He made a silly pose flexing his muscles, scrunching up his face all swood.

Chris walked past him unamused. "See you later."

"Do your cardio!" Changbin yelled.

Chris opened the glass doors to the gym and peaked around for photographers. He lifted his hoodie over his head and walked inconspicuously down the corridor, trying to avoid any attention.

"Oh! Mr. Chan!" A familiar voice called.

He paused in his tracks, cringing. He slowly turned around with his head hung low. It was that stupid assistant of his, mr. Park. (JYP lol)

"What did I tell you about calling me out in public!" He whisper yelled.

Mr. Park made a submissive, worried face. "I'm so sorry, sir! Forgive my ignorance." He bowed.

Chris looked away from the foolish man and continued down the path towards the large, glass elevators.

Mr. Park scrambled after him. "Sir, I rescheduled your late meetings today like requested."

"Okay, thanks."

"And I placed your lunch order for an earlier time so you can eat before the product presentation."

"Okay, thanks."

"And I ordered the table pieces for the Holiday Gala."

"Okay thanks."

"And I also got a vacancy notice from suite four hundred."

"Okay, tha- wait what?" Chris pressed the top floor button on the elevator and scanned his thumbprint.

"Hero Soup Kitchen filed for bankruptcy, they couldn't pay their rent!" He handed Chris a pink slip.

He looked at it with concern. "It just keeps getting worse, huh?" He muttered to himself.

Mr. Park cleared his throat nervously and stared out the glass as the elevator ascended. He was scared of heights.

Chris rested his head against the wall and leaned on the railing. "I need you to bring me the monthly inflow reports from the consumer floor, there's gotta be some reason for the prices to keep skyrocketing."

"Of course, sir." He begins typing on a small screen hastily.

Chris looks over to the view outside the elevator. Shops and restaurants lined the corridor of the tower. The people below becoming smaller as the elevator rose.

"This matter needs to be figured out before the gala. I know it's just some silly event for rich people, but it is of utmost importance that my reputation is upheld." Chris says tiredly.

Mr. Park continued staring at the screen. "I understand completely."

Chris smirks, thinking about how repetitive mr. Park's responses to him were. Never any worthwhile insight.

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