s1 ch1

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Btw this is just the written version of the actual show on yt (rahg I've kinda remade the episodes because the  actual episodes kinda sucked but I'd say it was decent for my first story thing) oh and the written versions of the episodes will probably be posted before the actual episode because episodes take a bit longer because of having to draw everything and having to get good voice acting lmao- anyways that's all I have to say let me actually start the story-

"It was a lovley day outside. But In a small house in the middle of nowhere, things seemed to not be going very well. There was a family But they were all hungry. Theres was no food in sight."

*Fridge opens and it's empty* "oh, How sad." *Mice squeaking* "what was that? Oh, just a mice." *Stomps on it, picks it up and eats it* "yuck." *Suddenly a tap on the shoulder*.

Asher: hey darling, what are you doing Oliver: nothing, just trying to find food asher: ah, i see. *Oliver got so hungry that he started seeing things and while his vision got blurry it started to distort things, including his mind.* oliver: you should sleep. Asher: uh why? It's kinda early to go to bed don't ya think? Oliver: yeah but.. *Oliver's POV: shit shit shit uhh think of a reason why he should sleep you stupid brain god damnit* Oliver: uhhh we have to get up early tomorrow! So uhh make sure to get some good sleep and go to bed early! Asher: wait what why are we getting up early?! *Oliver's POV: what the fuck Oliver that was so goddamn stupid why on earth would we need to get up early* Oliver: uhmmmmmmmm- just go to bed. Asher: but- Oliver: go. To. Asher: .... Oliver: bed. Asher: okay okay!!!

*Ashers POV: that was odd.. somethings up with Oliver and I know it.. like why the hell would we need to get up early?! We never do! And why would he be looking for food, he KNOWS that we have no food. If only we lived in a city..*

*Asher does the normal stuff you do before going to sleep and he falls asleep pretty quickly, he fell right into a deep sleep, He never sleeps well.*

"Later at night around 2:30 am the door creaks open but Asher stays sound asleep, Olivers at the door, that's quite peculiar. He's never awake at night. Hey.. what's wrong with his face... It's all.. wonky.. and.. distorted."

*oliver stares at asher through the dark doorway looking extremely terrifying, but asher is still sleeping. After about 10 minutes Oliver slowly starts to get closer to Asher, trying to be as quiet as possible. It's now clear that Oliver is holding a knife. Oliver gets right infront of Asher and stares again. Suddenly.. *slice* Oliver stabbed a knife into ashers chest and ripped his stomach open, blood spilling everywhere with his guts exposed. Oliver decided the only food he would be able to get would have to a person, and Oliver was so caught up in thinking about food he stopped caring about other things like his friends and family.*

Oliver: sometimes good things have to come to an end, don't they Asher?..

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