October 2023

19 2 2


Yesterday 7/10/23 I met another
therian 30 mins away from me.

She had to leave early because of her sister:/

Next week we have a sleepover planned but my mums taking me to Melbourne. Maybe I'm able to meet up with more quadrobists/therians

I got a few masks from the reject shop a few weeks ago and I also got a tail 2 months from online(it's fake)


School was today, I planned out 12 chapters for my book "unwanted side of me" and did some therian drawings I left at school.

I'm planning on making a book full of a my therian art and therian related stuff. No words, just pictures

By the way every new month I'm going to make a new part.


I forgot about this. I brought some things for Halloween and I got a therian journal I'm gonna write in soon and decorate, I also got my period 19th October at night.

It's stopping me from doing quads but it'll be able to do it soon

I also found out my bestie is going with me for Halloween (were both going as Juggalos!!!)


I went by myself as a Juggalo and got followed by teens and made fun of

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