chapter 1

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Ace Harrington had everything he could wish for - handsome looks, immense wealth, and a charismatic charm that made women fall at his feet. But now, at the age of thirty-four , he faced a challenge that neither charm nor wealth could solve.

After his parents died, Ace became the sole heir to the family fortune and company, Harrington Global. But there was one condition he had to meet before he could take control - he had to marry.

For most men his age, finding a wife wouldn't be a problem. But Ace was not most men. He was sarcastic, selfish, and liked to party. He had no desire for relationships, and certainly not for marriage.

He sat in his luxurious office atop a skyscraper in Paris, wondering what he was supposed to do. He glanced at his watch - Saxa Mercer, one of his most trusted employees, was due in a few minutes. Her name was Saxa, she was twenty-five years old, very ambitious and focused on her career.

Ace had known Saxa for several years and had always respected her. She was intelligent, independent and strong. But he never saw her as a potential partner. To him, Saxa was too serious, too focused on her work. He liked women who were reckless and carefree.

But now, facing a dilemma that could determine the future of his company, he began to wonder if Saxa might not be the perfect match for his.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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