Not so quiet life

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This story is the continuation of A Sane cyberpsycho keep that in mind.


A boy with messy short hair and one red eye and another covered by his eyepatch and on his forehead were two red horns, this is Garito a legend in the Afterlife who fought Adam Smasher and lived to tell the tale, was sitting on a seat in Ripperdoc clinic.

Garito: So doc, give it to me straight.

Ripperdoc: Look I don't know how to say it but you're daying.

Garito: That's bull-

He started but was interrupted by a strong coughing, he covered his mouth with his hand and when he stopped coughing he found his palm covered with blood.

Garito: Shit...

Ripperdoc: I'll ask you straight. Are you a diver?

Garito: A what now?

Ripperdoc: Diver, netrunner who's doing a deep dive into a net?

Garito: No, why?

Ripperdoc: There is something in your augments. Something that shouldn't be there. I was a netrunner in my younger years and I'm going to tell you the shit that's in you is something out of the black wall.

Garito looked at him in disbelief.

Garito: You are shiting me right?

Ripperdoc: This is no laughing matter you have literally some kind of AI behind the black wall in your system and it is spreading slowly but surely.

Garito: Shit... What happens to me when it is fully in my system?

Ripperdoc: Who knows, it may flatline you or can take over your body. Whatever it will do it won't be pretty.

Garito: And I thought I'm here just to get new eyes and I get this type of news. Fuck...

Ripperdoc: I can't do anything the give you my condolences. I'm truly sorry.

Garito: There really isn't anything you can do?

Ripperdoc: If I'll try to analyze you thoroughly I would expose myself to the AI and who knows what that thing will do.

Garito: Do you know where it started spreading at least?

Ripperdoc: Yeah, it started spreading from your Sandevistan.

Garito: Fucking hell!

Ripperdoc: I recommend contacting the one who gave it to you.

Garito: I will go on it right after you are done with chipping in my new eye.

Ripperdoc: Alright then, relax.

Then the Ripperduc started his procedure of replacing Garito's missing eye. After a while, it was over and Garito stood up.

Ripperdoc: Now take it easy take some time before your eyes adjust to each other.

Garito: Got it.

And then Garito called his boss, Makima.

Makima: Yes?

Garito: We need to talk.

After a few minutes, Garito entered Makima's office. And as always she gave him the innocent smile that hides malice behind her eyes.

A sane cyberpsycho's curse (OC x Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty)Where stories live. Discover now