The First Full Moon

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My name is Ted Jackson, I'm currently in hospital. There all gone I think, all I know is that my leg is bleeding badly.
I have my journal, on the last page. 20th of 0ctober, 2014, that's the time I started to write in here. I'm going to read the first Chapter named 'The First Full Moon'...

Hello! My name is Ted Jackson. I got this Journal last year for my birthday. It's October 20th 2014, I drive the North Westerns Railways No.3, Henry. I work with Eric Barker, he's the fireman.

Okay, you might know that Henry pulls 'The Flying Kipper' from The Harbour to Manchester. Well, one night there was a full moon, Henry was pulling out of the sheds. We then heard a loud howl. It sounded like a wolf. We got out of there with the flying kipper as soon as we could.

The next day, we pulled into Killdane where we saw Molly who was in the sheds with us in the shed last night. She looked scared. We asked her if she had heard the howl. She said yes, apparently, Murdoch, Rosie and Nevile heard it to. I then realised something at the same time Eric did. There was a full moon, you do knos what they say about the full moon, don't you? If not, well then apparently when a full moon is out, werewolfs...

I then remembered, when my Dad's leg got bitten by a wolf, the doctor said 'If it was a werewolf, you would be having a funeral in two days.' So, if you got bitten you would die. Also, he said 'Oh, it wasn't a werewolf, then, I won't have to give wolfbane.' I didn't know what 'Wolfbane' was, but then I remembered a name. 'Remus Lupin'. When I got in, I ran to a box in my room. It was all my Harry Potter books, I started to search through. 'Chamber, Order, Half-blood, Stone, hallows, goblet, PRISONER!' Snape had given Lupin 'WOLFBANE'. It was a potion...

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