☆°~Chapter 1~°☆

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         Hello, this is my Suntan fan fiction! I acknowledge in advance that there may be moments where the characters step out of their canon personalities. However, I hope you enjoy it regardless!


       Kel hesitates as he puts his hand up, about to knock at the door. This was far from the first time. he had been doing this for hours, every day, for months... he knocked so much that he had to bandage his fist because of how raw the skin had gotten.

      He was so sad when he heard that Sunny had to move away. He had cried in his room for hours,  but of course, change happens. He prepares himself before knocking.


     Kel sighs. Of course, Sunny didn't answer. Why would he...? This is so selfish of kel, to go to sunnys house, expecting him to show up. Sunny has better things to do. He has to prepare to move. He's probably packing up or cleaning.

     Kel looks down, tears filling his eyes. He wipes them and starts to walk off.


     Kel immediately looks back at the door to see Sunny standing there. A blank, almost doll -like expression on his pale face. Kel smiles.


                    "...Good Morning, Sunny...!"

《Sorry for the short chapter, lols- I'm in class right now. Might make the next chapter if it gets enough support.》

200 words

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