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We got a request! From User BlueRose763, Hope yall Enjoy!
Redson's POV

My family had attacked the city, and the noodleboy had once against stopped us, like I knew he would, and the attempt at a fight was funny, I had made my father and my boyfriend promise not to kill eachother, so imagine a fight where they aren't attacking eachother.

Mk managed to still defeat me and my family, which I honestly wasn't too mad about, he didn't break his promise to me, so I ain't to mad.

I got out of my mech and walked over to noodleboy, who was celebrating another victory with his friends. I smiled a bit, I know I just lost and I should be mad, but I'm not, he makes this job a lot easier

"Hey Hotstuff" Mk greeted me when I walked over

"Hey Noodleboy" I said

I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned my forehead against his, he smiled at me

"Sorry that you lost the fight Matchstick, but I had to save the city" Mk apologized to me, I sighed and smiled before kissing his cheek

"You don't have to apologize Noodleboy, your just doing your job" I said with a smile

Mk smiled again and pulled out a red vivisteria flower and put it in my hair, and surprisingly, it didn't burn up. I was kinda surprised

"I finally found a Flower that won't burn up when you touch it, the flower makes you look so beautiful," Mk told me

I smiled brightly, he is the sweetest boy I've ever met.

"I hope I never lose you Mk" I muttered to him.......

Suddenly, an explosion knocked me and Mk hard against rubble, I was fine but after mk landed against another piece of rubble, another one fell on him

"Mk!" Me and Mei yelled at the same time before running over to him

Mei Managed to pick up the entire piece of rubble and get it off Mk, after it was moved, I ran over to mk and rubbed his cheek, the impact from the rock had knocked Mk out.

He had cuts and bruises from the rubble and was bleeding from one of the cuts, he wasn't too beat up, thank goodness

After a few minutes, Mk woke up, Me and Mei were kneeling in front of him.

"Mk! Your alright!" Mei Cheered

"Of course I'm alright Mei" Mk told me

He then looked at me, but he was confused

"Hey Noodleboy" I said with a tone of relief

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Mk asked with a tone of confusion


I was sitting in pigsy's noodleshop, with literally all of Mk's friends and Enemies, we all agreed to a truce until Mk gets his memories back

Pigsy put a bowl in front of mk, it's time we learn what mk does and doesn't remember.

"Okay kid, tell us what exactly you know about all of us" Pigsy told Mk

"Alright, let's see if I got this right, Your pigsy, My adopted father and your husband is Mr Tang, you run this restaurant, Mr Tang is the monkey king genius of the group, he loves to eat your noodles without paying"

"Another member of our group is Mei, she is the cyclist of the group and can be very scary when she's mad, she's a lesbian and is dating Spindrax. Spindrax is the middle adopted child of the spider queen. Spider Queen has 4 kids in total, all adopted, Goliath is the eldest, he's the strong, sweet spider, he's dating the golden demon, Huntsman is the second born son, he's grumpy but also protective, he's dating Sandy, Spindrax is next, she's also a cyclist and also has a hot temper, Mei is her girlfriend, and The youngest is syntax, he's extremely smart and is Awesome with tech. He's dating Mayor."

"All 4 partners of the spider queens children are all quite different from eachother, of course, I already talked about Mei, so I'll talk about the others, Sandy is the gentle, caring, sailor of the group who's great at mechanics. Mayor is the creepy and terrifying assistant of the lady bone demon, who is diseased, and the Gold demon, yeah, I still don't know his name. But he's a constant pain in the butt with his twin brother. The silver demon. Again, not good on their names. The final member of the spider family is the spider queen, the leader, super sassy, and not afraid to take what she wants, she's dating the Scorpion queen. We don't see much of Scorpion queen but she is nice."

I was staring at Mk as he was talking, he sure does know a lot about everyone

"Next we have Macaque and Monkey King, gay lovers who have known eachother since childhood. Macaque is the more reserved person in the relationship and loves to put on shadow plays. Monkey King is the energetic, goofy person in the relationship, he loves to be affectionate but he also won't hesitate to kill anyone. Both Macaque and Monkey King were in the brother hood, the full brother hood had 6 members, Azure Lion, Peng, Yellowtusk, Demon bull king. Macaque, and Monkey King."

"Azure Lion became the leader after Monkey King left. Azure lion always has the best intentions, even if his actions don't exactly show it, Azure's Partner is Peng. Peng is hot-headed but also knows when it's best to leave a fight, they know how to fight and are more likely to kill someone out of anyone in the group. Yellowtusk is the reserved guy in the group, though he is strong, he doesn't usually attack with full strength unless it's completely required."

"Next is Nezha, the guard of the celestial palace, they have a temper and gets frustrated extremely easily, they don't have a partner as they are Aroace, but they do however have a best friend, Ao bing, who they met when they were 3, they both saved eachother"

"And last but not least. The Demon bull king and Princess iron fan, they are married and one of the first villains I ever fought, they pulled the staff out with a gauntlet princess Iron fan built"

Mk finished explaining everything about everyone in the room, except me.......

"So you remember everyone in this room, except your boyfriend?" Tang asked

"I have a boyfriend?" Mk looked confused

"Yeah, ya do, redson, he's a massive hot-head, he's the guy right beside you" Mei said while pointing at me

Mk looked at me and looked confused

"I'm sorry but I think I would remember you if we were dating" Mk told me

I hurt a lot to hear him say those words

"Cmon noodleboy, you have to remember me, please. I can't lose you" I told mk but he just looked kinda creeped out by me, this hurts so badly!

I got up from my stool and left the noodleshop, I need to be alone right now


I was laying down on my bed in my room, I can't believe all of this, Mk doesn't remember me at all, not even a little, nothing about me, not our first kiss, our first date, our first "I love you", it's all gone!

I felt tears streaming down my face, I did nothing to wipe them away......

Mk is gone.........

I'm nothing to him......

How do I help him remember me......

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