Joong with his friends||J

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Joong:Ay bro I think I have fallen in love with someone...
Noel(His friend):WHAT?!ARE YOU BEING FOR REAL?!Is she pretty????l
Gia(Ex):Omg really??
Joong:Um,but when I say it don't be shock alright?..

They both said ok

Joong:It's not a her,It's a HIM.
Noel:Yeah bro whatever,no matter what I'll still be there for you.
Gia:Same too!
Gia:Hey if you liked him why don't you ask him out?Like a movie date or picnic would be nice.
Joong:Well I met him on the bus and not so sure will he like me back...sooooo yeah..
Noel:You what-you freaking met him at the bus?!Yeah dude your not so good right now you need to go to hospital
Joong:Hahhaha it's fine whatever I'll go find him later.
Gia:Good luck bro!

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